We have some very expensive Macy''s "tools of the trade" belgique copper bottom cookware. BEWARE. YOU do not get anywhere near the product warranty of ANY other cookware.Our was a gift four years ago from my late mother. We had the glass lid of a very well cared for 6 qt shatter while cooking. I wrote to Macy's and called them. They refuse to help. their warranty insist on a receipt, otherwise no dice. What? thisan exclusive item to Macy's. It is their own line. Out of curiousity I called and or checked warranty terms for all-clad, Chantal, (more expensive) Cuisinart (less expensive, Farberware Rachel ray. etc. ONLY Macy's Tools of the Trade requires you to have a receipt. If a Cuisinart stainless pot has a problem, Cuisinart US and every other major pan supplier will warrant it with no receipt. that is the point of a lifetime guarantee!
We had our registry at macy's. Weshop for our family there half a dozen times a year.I will never ever patronize Macy's in store or online again.
Check your warranities, Macy's Tools of the Trade "lifetime warranty" is different than every other major cookware brand.

Seems good so far.It works and it does what I need.Its a little large but otherwise looks fine.It feels a little cheaper than some of the other stainless cookware I have but for the price can't beat it.
Buy Tools of the Trade Cookright Stainless Steel Deep Skillet, 6 Qt. Now
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