I'm beginning to wonder if non-teflon non-stick pans just have a lifespan of two months. I previously ordered an eco-friendly nonstick pan from Ozetti, and it was awesome for two months and then everything started to stick. I thought this might be because my husband likes to dredge everything in flour before he cooks it, so I bought him a wok and bought myself this purple Bialetti pan and forbade him to use it. For the first two months it was perfection--I cooked eggs, tofu, fish, scallops, pancakes, and everything came out perfectly cooked, didn't stick, and cleanup was a breeze. And then, just at the two-month mark, it started staining and sticking. I have to pour a LOT of oil in now to flip pancakes without having them come apart because they're stuck to the pan.

This skillet is a lot lighter than the one by a different name that I already owned; It really does look like a skillet instead of a saute pan. It has worked out ok so far
Buy Bialetti 10-Inch Aeternum Easy Saute Pan, Purple Now
I am not a gourmet chef by any stretch and I hate washing pots and pans ... This pan made me enjoy cooking and was a breeze to clean up!!!
Read Best Reviews of Bialetti 10-Inch Aeternum Easy Saute Pan, Purple Here
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