I priced these in retail stores in the area, as well as other outlets online, and this sells for at least a competitive price.I have this wok and was surprised at the number of negative reviews...especially as regards rusting. I treat this wok in the same manner that I treat my cast-iron. Living in the South, everyone has a cast-iron skillet and knowledge of how to properly treat one, so maybe that give me an advantage, who knows? The fact is that you should dry this wok immediately after use and cleaning. I like to clean mine as soon as I'm done cooking b/c the residual heat makes it very easy to remove any leftover bits of food or sauce. To clean, I don't use any soap, so as not to disturb the seasoning...merely run hot water over it and scrub away any food particles with a stiff bristle brush. A bit of manuevering is needed b/c of the size of this wok and the small sink in my house, but all in all it takes no more than a minute or two to get it clean. Afterwards, I use a single paper towel to get the water off and wipe the inside with a bit of oil. In the two years I've owned this wok, I never had a bit of rust show up. I do, however, concede that the seasoning instructions that came with the wok aren't as good as what you can find online. I used the onion method (found a great vid on Youtube), and my wok developed a nice, brown seasoning that has, over the last couple of years, developed into a pitch black, non-stick area. The only down side to this is that I'd really love to start steaming some meals, and I worry that repeated use of boililng water would degrade the seasoning over time. In that respect, I suppose a non-stick variety, which didn't require an outside process, would be better suited.
Yes, the lid is thin and easy to ding, but the wok is heavy enough that I already need two hands to move it from point A to B, I don't want a heavy lid to contend with either. That's just personal preference; however, having Chinese friends whose woks (some actually brought over from the mainland) have lids just as thin and look like they've been through meteor shower, I believe this trait is actually motivated by functionality and authenticity than just the company trying cut corners.
My favorite part of this wok is how it cooks. I have a little 10 inch nonstick model that I love because it's so light and easy to work with, however, the nonstick never gets hot enough to add that bit of char that I find so tasty in stirfries. I recently made some shrimp with vegetables and white sauce, and (when done right) the shrimp have these wonderful little singed edges that add such a wonderful nuance to the dish. The trick to to stirfry each group separately and then join them together at the end so as not to disperse the heat too much. Will post pictures soon. I've cooked squid stirfry, fried rice, shrimp stirfry, bitter melon with pork, and a host of other things that turned out really well.
Buy Helen Chen's Asian Kitchen 14-inch Carbon Steel Flat Bottom Lidded Wok Set Now
This is a great wok for the price. Be sure you follow the instructions and "season" it well first so nothing sticks. Also you need to immediately dry it after washing. Other than that I am thrilled with the wok.
Read Best Reviews of Helen Chen's Asian Kitchen 14-inch Carbon Steel Flat Bottom Lidded Wok Set Here
I honestly felt like I was stealing from somebody when I clicked the "purchase" button.After researching the best equipment for Asian cooking, the experts concluded that the carbon steel flat bottom wok scored top marks with professional chefs. The idea is to season the wok (you can find out how to do this on about.com) instead of purchasing a teflon coated one.I cannot emphasise how important this step is if you want to create the perfect Singapore Noodles or Chow Mein!You will be cooking like a pro in no time, for almost no cost at all.
Want Helen Chen's Asian Kitchen 14-inch Carbon Steel Flat Bottom Lidded Wok Set Discount?
This wok seems to be a pretty decent wok. I treated it according to instructions found on internet, and we used it once so far. I expect it to last for a long time if I keep it oiled well and dry after use. No complaints about the product itself. HOWEVER, the shipping of this item needs to be improved. The handle (a hollow, wooden piece with a bolt through it) was shipped inside the aluminum lid. The lid arrived with numerous dents since the handle is thrown around during shipping and the steel parts smack into the inside of the soft aluminum lid every time the box tumbles over during shipping (my best theory for the damage). Those bumps are easily visible on the outside of the otherwise great looking lid. I would say there are about 20 dents on the inside of the lid. It looks like someone took a little hammer and went to work on the inside. I decided to not care (and did notwant to send back the item), but the lid looked worse when it arrived than the lid of the wok we had in use for many years. Just so you know.
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