Buy Woll Diamond Plus Open Saute Pan, 11-Inch Now
Woll products are THE BEST.Stickiest of dishes cant touch these pans.So easy to clean.No brainer.You will kick yourself for not buying them sooner.Quality is superb.Your favorite pan and everything else pales in comparison.
Read Best Reviews of Woll Diamond Plus Open Saute Pan, 11-Inch Here
Mostly wrote this to counter the reviewer who gave it 2 stars.That review is simply bogus. Yes this skillet IS VERY NONSTICK when used correctly. After you use it you'll be OK with spending so much on it, because of how well it's contructed from the handle to the sturdy feel of the pan itself it's going to be around a long time.No it is not going to be TV-like nonstick if fresh from the dishwasher or from the box without an oil slick on the surface.But it is also EXTREMELY tough, heavy (which i like in a skillet) and the little microscopic pits the diamond infused coating makes is part of the reason it's so nonstick with the oil on top.But the coating surface is also very tough, from whatever patented infusion process they have going on, it's very different from a cheap teflonish nonstick skillet who's coating IS going to wear out sooner rather than later.You can feel that this is a 3D surface that is not flimsy (this one is metal utensil approved and I think that's legit, though of course you're still better to use silicone to maximize wear).
So the take home point is that no it's not just out of the box ready to be nonstick (or out of the sink if you use soap) -it does have to be prepared correctly the other previous reviewer gives an excellent description of that.Think of it like an iron skillet that doesn't have to be continuously babied and reseasoned and it won't break, won't rust, warp, etc -If you take it straight to the sink and use water and sponge (you don't need the scrubby kind, just a soft sponge) or paper towel without soap to wipe it out after use, even burnt stuff wipes right off EASILY and it seems like the pan very rarely needs more oil unless you forget and bring on the soap.And you don't have to worry about this one warping it's so thick so take it right to the sink when you're done, run cold water (which will be hot as it cools the pan enough you can wipe it), wipe er down and back in action.Literally takes about 15 seconds to clean it like that, dry it and have it back on the stove ready to go.It beads up water with the oil on board, so just a brush from the towel and it's dry.I'm not sure it'd be possible to burn something onto the outside of it in fact except the flat bottom which is of course not coated.
The amount of "seasoning" for the 11 inch skillet is negigible in calories, so don't get the wrong idea -it amounts to about as much olive oil as you would get dipping about 3 fingertips into the oil to your first knuckle in fact, I like to rub it in like that -a few drops of oil and rub it in with your fingers until you cannot see the oil film except for a little streak behind your finger.If you just do that simple little trick and avoid soap (which removes the oil) this pan is tough as nails, cooks very evenly, and can then perform the As Seen on TV type nonstick tricks and your eggs WILL slide around easily, etc.It's my favorite nonstick pan ever, and I've been looking around forever trying to find one that will truly stand up over a long period of time without the nonstick surface eroding off, and one that doesn't have to be babied if you forget and use a fork, etc.I've abused it in the dishwasher when I'm being lazy (which is unneccesary and dumb, the pan isn't hard to clean) and it still stands up to that very well (but needs re-seasoned).
Also it's laser flat on the bottom.outside's easy to clean also same surface all the way down to the heat pad
My only wish is that they would make it in their induction friendly line it's aluminum and titanium, so no go for magnetic cooktops.Combine the quick on of induction with the heat transferring properties of the diamond coating (much faster than metal) and you'd have the ultimate in instant/consistent heat.I have one of the Precision Induction Hotplates you see on TV and it really does keep the heat constant at the selected temp, which keeps you from burning food in the first place, even oil if you're frying chicken or fish, etc can be kept below the smoke point and not turn rancid you could use it over and over if you wanted just like a restaurant fryer.Combine that with this type of nonstick coating surface and it'd be perfect.I haven't tried Woll's regular induction line, but if that coating is anywhere near as tough as this it's likely to be great too.Also fit the lids I have from other cookware perfectly.
So yeah it's pricey but in a couple years you'll be glad you bought it because you'll still have it and will probably have forgotten where you put all your other skillets and after a garage sale you wont always have a cabinet full or worn out skillets anymore -that by itself is worth it in my opinion.Saw these pans demo'd at a home show and was very impressed with the performance but not the price they were selling at. Found this on Amazon and instantly bought it. I was very excited to try this product and get similar results and it could not have been more opposite. You are supposed to be able to cook fat free and water free in these pans which i tried and it failed miserably. Cooked eggs and the second they went into the pan they formed a film across the bottom instantly stuck. It was very disappointing but it got two stars because it did clean sort of easy and Amazon's price is very good.
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