Calphalon One Infused Anodized 12-Inch Fry Pan

Calphalon One Infused Anodized 12-Inch Fry PanIn response to the "chef" who has praised this product though the disparagement of the other reviewers and amateur cooks.

As a former professional chef, cookware retailer, and loyal Calphalon user for the past 20 years, I would like to say that I have rated this product only 3 stars due to the fact that Calphalon has grossly oversold this pan's capabilities. As you can imagine I have quite an assortment of pans ranging from French copper, steel, cast iron, and of course anodized aluminum non-stick.

This pan is expensive and does not come through on the promises that Calphalon has made to the buyers. It doesn't offer me enough advantages to warrant its usurping the place of copper-used where temp control and browning are important, cast iron-for high heat,or the traditional non-stick-used for just about everything else.

I have used Calphalon non-stick for the past 15 years as it is heavier gauge aluminum and the non-stick takes more abuse and doesn't degrade under higher temperatures like competing brands (it also browns pretty darn good).I replaced the first set after 7 years when the non-stick became slow to release and the outside "paint" scraped off with constant use.The second set has lasted 8 years and it too is ready to enter the non-stick graveyard. I was looking for a new non-stick set and had hoped that Calphalon One would offer the easy clean-up and easy release capabilities it advertised.

The pans do not release the food like a non-stick pan and they should not say it does. The exterior is only marginally easier to clean than the professional and commercial series (copper is easier and looks better when cleaned). But-the new handle is easier to grip and better balanced.We can only see how long this new finish lasts when "accidentally" overheated as invariably occurs.

Clean up is easy when you follow the instructions and use Barkeeper's Friend (which I have used for over 8 years) inside and out. Permanent discoloration often occurs when the oil film outside the pan is not removed carefully after each use. Also, extra fine steel wool (0000) is great for removing stubborn stains obtained over time.

If you are looking for a traditional non-stick finish do not purchase this pan. If you would like an easier clean up than stainless, less weight than copper or cast iron, and a sturdy finish then this pan is a good choice.

I admit, I have been avoiding Calphalon One products for some time.Some due to the questionable reviews I have read on Amazon and other sites, but mostly because I have made a *significant* investment in the earlier Calphalon Professional and Commercial lines and could not deal with the thought that my cookware might be somehow obsolete. But I finally tried it and...much to my worked as advertised.

What's the buyer needs to understand is that the infused aluminum does not cook like Teflon.It actually cooks more like decently seasoned cast iron...meaning food sticks briefly at first but quickly releases once it browns and the pan promotes fond development for sauces and gravies.That means you need to follow traditional cookware rules...preheat the pan dry and add your grease or oil right before you add the ingredients.That's right, you cannot cook fat free with this cookware, but you don't need a lot either; I use just a non-aerosol oil spray.Remember the old Chinese adagei.e. "hot wok, cold oil, food won't stick."

The only major difference from cast iron cooking-wise is Calphalon One does not retain heat the same way.So you should preheat a bit hotter than you would iron because the pan will lose temperature as soon as food hits it.When you are slow cooking in it, use a pizza stone to regulate your oven's heat.But also unlike cast iron, it's relatively light weight, you can cook and store acidic foods in it, and clean it without worrying about rusting or re-seasoning.

Now, if you are looking for a pan for stick-prone foods like eggs, rice, or pancakes, get a Teflon or Teflon-like skillet.Calphalon One Nonstick is tremendous stuff because it can take real heat, enabling it to properly sear meat and saute vegetables.But it will not leave a good fond for a pan sauce.

Buy Calphalon One Infused Anodized 12-Inch Fry Pan Now

For years I've used the Calphalon commercial non-stick pans. They get hard use in my kitchen, but perform amazingly well. Clean up time, no matter what I've cooked, is practically non-existent. The only problem is that they need to be replaced every couple of years, as the coating begins to scratch and peel, even with very good care. So I thought the Calphalon One would be the answer. It's not. It is a nice pan, well balanced, well made, etc etc. However, the non-stick surface does not perform anywhere near that of the commercial non-stick. Food sticks and stains pretty easily, and I've found I had to use quite a bit of oil to get good results. Not at all what I wanted, and too expensive to throw away! I'm going to stock up on the commercial non-stick while I still can.

Read Best Reviews of Calphalon One Infused Anodized 12-Inch Fry Pan Here

I've had this pan for about a week now.I've made sausage, eggs (scrambled and over-easy), meatballs, and sautéed a ton of vegetables.There isn't one thing that "stuck".The foods I wanted to provide the little bits of browning to make a sauce did so, the things I didn't (like the eggs) didn't stick at all!I can't imagine I just lucked out.

So far this pan is great.I love to cook, don't purchase cooking sets, and buy the pan I believe will provide the best result for the type of cooking that I want.I've got everything from copper to cast iron.This pan performs well, looks great, and I expect will spend a long productive life in my kitchen.

Update:Well, I think I spoke a bit too soon.Though I loved this pan before the coating started to wear off, I've since had to return it.After about a year, it, like almost every other "non-stick" surfaced pan I've owned started to break down. Food began to stick despite the hand washing, and the fact I never got metal anywhere near it.On the positive side, Calphalon, good to its word as always, immediately replaced thepan no questions asked.I still recommend the pan, though realize you may find that you need to be replacing it.

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After reading the previous reviews I had to respond with a review of my own.

These are the best pans on the market.

YES YES YES food is suppose to stick! If your a good cook, you then take the fond on the bottom of the pan (yes the stuff that stuck), and make a gravy or sauce out of it.It is not marketed as a FULLY NON-STICK pan. It does not stick like a steel pan, but food does slip off easily.

The sticking gives the food perfect carmalizing of the food. Example Steak, chicken, chops, veal, whatever...

Cleaning is a snap when using Bartenders Friend. You can get that online or at your local kitchen store. Works awesome.

I am a professional chef, I will admit these pans are to expensive to use in my restaurant, since they will get banged up in the hussle and bussle, but they are worth the money for home use and they only pans you will ever need.You get what you pay for.

If you do not know how to cook, then buy a set of $9.99 pans at your local discount store.


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