All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Open Stir Fry

All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Open Stir FryFor a flat bottomed, Western style wok that will work on flat ranges / stove tops, this is an excellent wok.

Recommended if you can afford the it!

For it:

Excellent heat distribution / conductivity / diffusion thanks to aluminum core. This wok heats quickly throughout the flat bottom and heats gently up the sides.

Grips food well enough when pushing food up the sides to lower temperatures.

Low heat retention compared to thick cast iron.

Excellent All-Clad build quality. This wok is sturdy!

Cleans up easily with hot water, soap, and light scrubbing.

18/0 magnetic stainless steel bottom works great on induction range.

No non-stick coating. You can get this wok very hot for proper stir frying!

Wide. Ample space for a large stir fry. This is both a pro and a con since it will consume a lot of space on your range.

Against it:

Heavy (about 5 pounds or 2.3 kg). Weak arms may not be able to lift this easily. If you're a chef and/or accustomed to a cast iron wok, you'll have no issue lifting and flipping food.

Awkward stick handle. The long stick handle protrudes almost straight out of the wok, is rather thin, and has a ridge. If you normally use a shorter, wide, cylindrical stick handle, or the dual loop handles, you may not like this wok's handle. It's it's a negligible design flaw though.

If you're looking for the feel and handling of a thin, relatively light, carbon steel Chinese wok, this is not it!

Shallow. This is shallower by about 5mm or more than an average Western flat bottom wok.

Higher heat retention than carbon steel.

High price relative to carbon steel wok.


This is an excellent Western wok and is a must have if price is not a concern. If you're looking to avoid caring for carbon steel or cast iron (seasoning, rust, breakage), need to use soap to clean up (hygiene requirements, restaurant work), or just prefer leeching nickel from the stainless steel rather than the extra iron from cast iron, this All-Clad wok is a great choice. If you have no such concerns and are equipped with a gas range and wok ring, grab a more authentic round bottomed carbon steel wok instead, but be sure it's multi ply.

I did not find a problem with the balance, as previously mentioned by another reviewer. The only thing a potential buyer needs to be aware of is, that if they are planning on tossing their food, they had better be strong because this unit is heavy! Other than that, it proves to be very useful for large portions. It heats quickly, heats evenly, holds the heat and leaves plenty of room to stir. Yes, it does heat evenly and allows the heat to drift up the sides. The purpose of a stirfry pan is to allow heat to move the sides of the pan to allow food touching the sides of the pan to cook as well. Now keep in mind, there isnt a perfect stirfry pan out on the market if you are cooking on a traditional gas top, flat top or coil range. True frying ala Asian style is done on an open flame!

Buy All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Open Stir Fry Now

I order this for my husband's birthday.He is quite a chef and likes to make Asian stir fry, but his old wok was in need of replacement.Most of our cookware is All-Clad so I ordered this for him and he loved it.I expected great quality from All-Clad and it delivered.Not only does he love the way it cooks but it also cleans beautifully (I know, I do the dishes!).I highly recommend this item.

Read Best Reviews of All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Open Stir Fry Here

We received this wok as a wedding gift years ago.It is our most used pan that we own and we own a lot.We absolutely love it and use it for many different recipes outside of just stir frying.The long handle and All-Clad grip assists in maneuvering this heavy duty wok.It heats quickly and evenly given the proper heat source.You will never have to buy another wok because it will last forever.

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Love All-Clad products. If you treat them with care, they will last a lifetime. Great size and shape for any cooking/frying. It is a little heavy to toss food but I have no problems using a spatula for cooking. Great heat distribution.

A little hard to store in my small apartment because it is so wide but overall, great product. Slowly replacing all my cookware with all-clad.

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