OK, the good news is that it cooks well and I never had a problem with food sticking BUT to keep it from sticking you HAVE to apply some cooking spray to both pans before you start to heat them.
The bad news is just about everything else.First and foremost--it leaks.When you try to flip the pan over if there is anything that is even slightly liquid inside it will leak out the joint between the pans.It could be egg white or batter, if it is still liquid it will leak.Second, and something that the commercials never mention, you cook in the lower pan while the upper pan is still upright.You close the upper pan and flip the thing over.Now you have to wait while the (used to be) upper pan heats up and begins to cook.Also, in the commercial they show a woman blowing on a pancake to make it slide out of the pan and it is nowhere near that easy.While the food doesn't stick badly, it often has to be gently nudged to make it slide out.This needs to be re-engineered so that the edges of the pans overlap rather than just meeting.That would help stop the leaking.The heating of the second pan is something we would just have to live with.Do I recommend it?Absolutely not!
I bought this hoping that it would be good at making eggs over easy.Unfortunately, it's not so good.The non-stick just doesn't work and the eggs end up stuck to the upper lid of the pan.Even after i seasoned it like the instructions say.Eggs definitely don't slip around the pan as in the commercial.Well it's only $20.i'll try it using cooking spray.
Having used it for a few weeks now, I've figured a few things out.First, I have to use cooking spray.Without question.And I need to spray it on while the pan is cold.Spraying it on when hot just makes a mess.Second.I need to flip the pan and pre-heat the top before putting anything in it.Third, I think this pan will completely fail when the hinge fails.It's made with very small rivets.They don't look like they will stand up to a lot of use or abuse.So I think there is a life expectancy that I have to look forward to.I followed their seasoning instructions and tried to fry some eggs. I had to use a spatula and they still stuck to both sides.
Read Best Reviews of Flip Jack Pan Here
I was very excited when I bought this, but upon getting it home I realized it had to be seasoned just like any cast iron skillet. When did nonstick surfaces need to be seasoned? It was also cheaply built. Upon cleaning after seasoning it, the rivets on one handle popped loose and the handle was floppy after one cleaning.
When I finally did test it out by cooking eggs, upon flipping it over, not only did the eggs stick to the top I now had a real mess as i had eggs on top and on bottom. I grabbed a plastic spatula to slide the remaining egg into my old cast iron skillet and had to actually scrape to get the egg from the orgreenic pan. They were not burned they were just stuck to it as they would have been to a non greased iron pan. I finished cooking the mess in my properly seasoned cast iron skilled, to which they did not stick, and tossed the Orgreenic pan in the trash.This was an awful experience from the ordering process to my attempt to cancel.When ordering, either online or by phone, I was asked for credit card information before I was even given a final price.I did order online and after completing my order, was informed to "allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery".Since I was not willing to wait that long to get the product, I tried to cancel so I could purchase the item at a local store.I was told by customer service that the order took 48 hours to show up on their system and I should call back in a day or two.When I called back two days later, I was told that the product had already shipped and I would need to reject it when it was delivered.Tracking the item online is impossible.
I did purchase the Flip Jack Pan a a local store and am very sorry that I did.I seasoned the pan as instructed and it ended up gooey, like when you use a spray oil on a non-stick pan.And, after seasoning, as other reviewers said, eggs stuck to the pan.I much prefer a similar product called Green Pan (it is grey in color) which I have used for many months with great satisfaction.
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