we made about 15 sliders with a pound of hamburger meat.none of the coating came off on us and we had about 3 batches (makes 6 at a time).Cooked them perfectly! Washed off pretty easy too!Don't know how long it will last but will be fun while it does!

Bought this pan thinking it would be fun to make sliders for dinner...used it once and had to throw it out.The black coating on the pan started coming off on the second batch of burgers I made.When I rinsed the pan off after that, more of the coating peeled off.Next time I'll use a regular frying pan and just make small patties...what a waste!
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The pan is too shallow, when I cooked the burgers the grease runs over the edge and I had quite a little fire on my stove.I will use a regular pan next time.
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I also used once and the coating wore off and tried to make more and more of the slider stuck to the pan
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