Buy Norpro Cast Iron Round Bacon Grill Press Now
Well made. Useful size and weight, although it could be just a little larger in diameter. This thing gets really hot and holds that heat for awhile, as you would expect with cast iron. However, it would have been nice if designers had provided some insulating material around the top of the metal supports for the wood handle. Really need a glove when using this to avoid coming in contact with the very hot metal handle supports.
Read Best Reviews of Norpro Cast Iron Round Bacon Grill Press Here
It's round, it's firm, and it's fully packed! Consequently it was delivered in fine condition. You can tell it's a bacon press because it has a raised relief pig on it. Without the pig it would just be a press. And we all know that the press is biased these days. Whereas a bacon press should be unbiased. And this one is nicely flat, with ridges on the bottom to promote appropriate grease expulsion during the cooking process.I had carefully selected this item based on extensive measurements of my main bacon frying implement, "Old Reliable". Old Rel is a 10 inch cast iron frying pan of uncertain provenance. Amazon.com carried three bacon presses, but this one would make a perfect partner to Old Rel, based on the principle of similar diameters.
I seasoned the bacon press according to directions. I must say that the seasoning directions did not work. After following them twice, the bacon press still had a raw cast iron smell to it. The directions appear to be a compromised attempt to season the bacon press without having to burn the handle in a hot oven, or take the handle off. I may need to remove the handle and submit the rest to the fiery depths of my oven for an extended time -suitably anointed for the ordeal (the bacon press, not me). Meanwhile I shall endeavor to persevere, and hope that over time the succulent bits of bacon fat will provide the perfect seasoning through normal use.
I lay the cold strips of bacon into the cold frying pan. I turn the heat on. I lay the bacon press gently over the bacon. I wait. Soon, the sizzling sound begets an odor, and the odor a salacious longing for my favorite breakfast treat. After several minutes of cooking (and longing), I lift the bacon press. Lo! There be flat cooked bacon! As if by magic it transfers to a plate already draped with paper towel for drainage. The bacon cools and dries for 60 seconds. I admire the bacon's flatness, its planarity, evenness, flushness with the plate. The bacon isflat as a pancake, flat as a fluke, flat as a flounder, flat as a board, flat as my hand! But my rapture ends as I cannot stand it anymore. I devour the bacon! And it was good. (No cast iron taste.)
Stay tuned for further adventures in pressed sandwich land!
Want Norpro Cast Iron Round Bacon Grill Press Discount?
I enjoy using it. It browns the top of what you're cooking as well as the bottom, at the same time. No need to turn over. It's also light enough for me (my choice), others might want a heavier press. The wooden handle doesn't get hot, unlike the more heavier models with metal handles.
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