If the label on your pan does NOT say "Made in the USA" you did NOT get real Graniteware! (Also, REAL Granite Ware covered roasters have "USA" EMBOSSED under the handle of the lid.) So try to get the real American Granite Ware it will not disappoint you!
PS Excellent roasting & browning at LOW temps! We use 275 degrees (at most) and always get great results whether roasting Turkey, Chicken, Beef, or Lamb.
I'd been using a stainless steel roaster and couldn't figure out why my turkey always took TWICE as long to cook....so frustrating!
The first time I used this roaster, it was my best turkey ever...perfect color and flavor, and finished on time! Also, it's sturdy and easy to heft in and out of the oven, unlike the back-breaking stainless steel monstrosity. 17 stars!
Buy Granite Ware 509-2 18-Inch Covered Oval Roaster Now
I had this exact roasting pan for 20 years,finally it started dripping on the bottom.I looked all over for the exact same pan,and by accident while buying something else on amazon i saw it.I ordered it as fastas i could.I have used it about a week after i got it,same as my old one.Now my old pan is in the garbage.Hope this lasts as long as the other.Very happy with this product,thought i wouldn't find another.
Read Best Reviews of Granite Ware 509-2 18-Inch Covered Oval Roaster Here
One thing to keep in mind with this and other Granite Ware roasters is that the dimension given is the outside one, including the handles. The "18-inch" one is just 15 inches inside (long dimension). Be sure to buy the 18-inch one if you want to cook a turkey rather than a chicken. You can fit a turkey up to about 22 lb. in it. (Tip: wrap the turkey completely in foil after stuffing and cook at 400 degrees uncovered; sample time, 4 hours for 17-19 lb. turkey. Peel back the foil for the last 15 minutes to brown. No basting, works every time!) This item does say USA on it, so I hope it will last for years, like our old one.Want Granite Ware 509-2 18-Inch Covered Oval Roaster Discount?
It looks the same as the classic roaster, the size is the same, but this roaster is very thin. I was a bit disappointed, but it was a good deal on Amazon, and still better than buying disposable aluminum.
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