The Fry Pan arrived this weekend and decided to try eggs first.If something is gonna stick, it's gonna be eggs.I remembered to cook over amuch lower heat than nonstick and use some oil.I followed the directions and the eggs came out AWESOMELY(not even sure if awesomely is a word).The eggs even tasted better!!I am sold.No more teflon/non stick for this girl.
It is well worth the expense and extra couple minutes of pan warm up time.My husband even noticed the difference in taste.
I am an ALL CLAD fan!Next up.Fried Chicken. :)
It also cleaned up well.I would advise getting a nylon scrubby.It is very close to cleaning up like nonstick but a couple spots needed a little something more than a dishcloth.
This pan was for my mother, who is very happy with the purchase.It has significant weight to it...very well made.Cooks evenly, browns nicely, and cleans up easily.And you can cut things with a knife while cooking, unlike certain non-stick pans.Very happy.
Buy All Clad Stainless Steel 10-Inch Fry Pan with Domed Lid Now
This a a very well made heavy duty fry pan. I tend to cook quite often on high temp and the matching doom lid's design keeps my stove top free of splater. I had previously purchased a 12 inch All Clad fry pan which I very much enjoy.
Read Best Reviews of All Clad Stainless Steel 10-Inch Fry Pan with Domed Lid Here
As mentioned in all the reviews below I read before purchasing, this is a great fry pan,perfect size for cooking for two.
Want All Clad Stainless Steel 10-Inch Fry Pan with Domed Lid Discount?
This is a product that takes a bit of adjustment from other product use. My experience with All Clad is to use the minimum amount of heat to accomplish the desired result. These skillets do not need a great deal of heat to cook properly and with a low-medium setting, I have been able to get thorough cooking and browning without sticking. Additionally, a small amount of non-stick spray in the worst case (eggs), will help, without flavoring the food. I heat the pan to the desired temperature before adding the food and that appears to also help avoid sticking. A pot holder will avoid the uncomfortable feeling of the hollow handle design, and it also improves the grip on the pan. I also use a small amount of Bon Ami cleanser to clean the most stubborn food spots off the pan, but it is rare that I need this. Usually, a short soak in water with a little dish detergent and I can wipe the pan with a wet dish cloth to clean it completely. I think that the price of All Clad is high, even at Amazon, but, if you want this product, you will have to justify the price against the satisfaction obtained from using it. Otherwise, just return it if you aren't satisfied.
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