cook only eggs in it and use the minimumamount of heat needed.Sometimes it does stick a little but comes loose with a little push.I do use "better butter" (part butter and part canola)and try to spread a thin coat also a bit up the sides sometimes by using a pastry brush.There seems to be no pan that maintains a perfect non-stick ability.This pan is heavy which does make it function better.I bought it because of the resaonable price, because the non-stick surface is supposed to be more eco-friendly, and because of the Farberware name.bought it as I did not want to buy teflon.it was difficult to clean from the start -it didn't feel like non stick. I used it to make omelet, and heat some indian tortillas---the gray surface turned brown --with 2-3 uses and now 1 mth later the pan is completely black. It was a total waste of money. I never put it in the dishawsher. I don;t want cookware to last forever but this didn't last even a wk .. would never recommend to buy it .
Buy Earth Pan II Hard Anodized Nonstick Skillet Now
The pan works well in the beginning.After a week of use, eggs start to stick to the pan.Called the company.They said it is manufacturing defect.We sent in the pan for replacement.We'll see how the replacement works.Earth Pan II by Farberware Hard Anodized 12-Inch Skillet
Read Best Reviews of Earth Pan II Hard Anodized Nonstick Skillet Here
I wanted an Earthpan because I heard great reviews of them in Consumer Reports.I am a pretty serious home chef and was willing to pay an inordinate amount of money for a non-stick pan that cooked well and cleaned easily.So I was pleasantly suprised to see this was reasonably priced.This pan cooks well but the pan is not easy to clean at all.I have had to use steel wool to get this pan clean.That's sucks.I mean I had to get out all kinds of elbow grease to clean this pan and I was upset by that.My Earth Pan Hard Anodized Nonstick 10 inch skillet was a big disappointment.Because I have had many non-stick fry pans over the years and I realize that their life span is short even though we follow all the directions, I thought that this product seemed more durable and more able to fit my needs.I followed all the many directions for use (including ones we weren't warned about because we have a Corning stove top)but it was purchased August 18 online from Amazon, and here it is May 18, 2011 and a cast iron skillet compares favorably to it (and would have been much cheaper).
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