My first set of cookware was Magnalite and both my Mom and Grandmother owned Magnalite. This aint your usual Magnalite. It arrived warped and scratched up and was shipped in it's own box with no packing materials. It also appeared to be a return because the box had been opened and retaped shut. Not to be anti China but that's where this was maufactured. I will try to buy this made somewhere else because it looks to be a cheap immitation of the real thing.
Buy Magnalite Classic 18-Inch Oval Covered Roaster Now
I have used this kind of roaster for the holidays over the years and love them. It keeps the Turkey so moist and cooks very even.The problem I have with this new one is it is made in China not the USA like my other one. The new one is not as heavy and the quality of workmanship not up to par. I never found it on the internet as a recalled item so I kept it but still am not really confortable with products made in CHINA because of the lead content in allot of their products.
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I returned the product.The product was nothing close to the set of magnalite that I was trying to add to. The material was lighter in weight, the lid did not fit securely and the inside appeared to be unfinished.The texture was very rough.My original set, which is 15 years old still works perfectly and looks great.
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I am originally from South Louisiana and was raised with magnalite cookware, my grandmothers, my aunts, my Mother everyone used only magnalite.I was lucky to inherit a couple of pieces but was determined to build up my own magnalite collection. Over the years I have been doing just that. There is no better cookware on the market. I have strayed and tried others but they end up being given away or thrown away and my magnalite is always there waiting to cook a superb meal.This roaster was one that took me a while to get, it is expensive but I knew it would be worth it and man oh man this thing is wonderful.I cook a giant beef brisket in this roaster that is just so tender and juicy with a gravy that is fabulous, a turkey turns out beautiful and moist, in the summer I buy bushels of fresh okra, chop it and cook it down in this roaster with onions and tomato, bag it in ziplock bags and put it in the freezer, I have my okra for my gumbos all ready to go. And speaking of gumbo if you need to make a giant batch of gumbo this roaster will cover that task too! I use in on the stove and in the oven.
I never had a problem cleaning any of my magnalite pots, I do not put them in the dishwasher, I put a little dishwashing soap in them and some warm water let it soak a bit then use either a brillo pad or a teflon scrubber pad on them, it cleans amazingly easily.They will discolor inside over time but it has no effect on the cooking.
So many Cajun cooks lost their collections in Katrina and Rita, very sad because these were magnalite sets that had been handed down for generations! We are starting over and you can bet we will start over again with our magnalite!
You can not get anything better.
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