Buy Paderno Black Carbon Steel 11 Inch Chestnut Pan with Oversized Handle Now
This is a great thing to have.With a chestnut tree a few blocks away, it's quite nice to have the option of roasting them the old fashioned way (and with some novello).With the long handle, you can use it over a real open fire or you can use it on a stovetop or grill, although you'll have to prop up the handle in that case.
It's a great pan looks nice and of good quality.
The only thing I don't completely love is the handle.Although strong enough, it is long and thin and I just don't like how it looks as much as the rest of the pan.It's sort of shiny black with some lighter spots.Really not a deal breaker, but I'm just pointing it out.Now, what would really be awesome is if it had an easily interchangeable short handle so you could really use this perfectly on any occasion.But it is riveted on very sturdily (which is a positive under most circumstances).
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