But I had to chuckle at a couple of the applications the other reviewers had for this handy little item. This isn't one of the first kitchen implements that you might put on your wish list, but it's surprisingly versatile.
Yes, you can put it in the bottom of your dutch oven, put your meat on top and let the fat drain. Yes, it's obviously a trivet. But I've also used it as a meat press yeah, Lodge makes a couple of presses, and one of these days... but in the meantime, flip at upside down on your bacon and it works fine.
I've also used it as a grilled sandwich press. Put it on a medium burner, toss your sandwich in your skillet, or griddle, then (with tongs or welding gloves) plop this little trivet on top of your sandwich. A couple of experiments is all it takes to get the right amount of heat to brown the top of your sandwich. If you need more weight, put some water in a saucepan and set it on the trivet the "legs" on the trivet keep the saucepan from cooling the trivet and your sandwich is nicely smushed.
But the weirdest use of all time? Olive pitter. No, I'm not kidding. I was making a salad the other night, and I wanted to chop some black olives into it. I grabbed a can of olives and opened it, only to discover that my wife had bought un-pitted olives. I hate pitting olives, but I started in, when my eye was caught by this little trivet and all those interesting holes. I grabbed the trivet, put an olive on end over one of the small holes and pushed with my thumb the pit jumped through the hole and left the meat on the other side. I grabbed a bowl, put the trivet on top and went through that can of olives in no time. Hint the holes are beveled, and the olives sit very nicely in the bevel, but they don't pit as well turn the trivet over and use the "flat" side of the hole.
So there you have it. A kitchen gadget with half-a-dozen uses for ten bucks. How can you go wrong?I use this trivet over my gas stove burners or barbeque to heat tortillas like my grandmother used too. Also works great to fire roast chiles and peppers for salsa.
Buy Lodge Logic L8DOT3 Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Meat Rack/Trivet, 8-inch Now
Love this trivet! It is perfect for use in my Lodge Logic5 Qt Double Dutch Oven and Casserole with Skillet cover set, 10.25 inch in diameterdutch oven. They are a very esential pair in my kitchen. My food is so much better now and healthy with the trivet to have the drippings drip away from the food!!! Love it!!! Can't beat the price either. remember wash with hot water and scrub brush only (no soap) and rub some spray pam on it before putting up.Read Best Reviews of Lodge Logic L8DOT3 Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Meat Rack/Trivet, 8-inch Here
Just received my Lodge Meat Rack/Trivet. It arrived in perfect condition and shipping was fast and free. For those who complain about the legs being too short to keep the food out of it's juices please understand that's not it's purpose. It's designed to elevate the food just enough to keep it from scorching. If the legs were longer the same people would complain that it takes up too much room. If you must keep the meat out of the juices make 4 large balls from foil and place those under the meat rack.Want Lodge Logic L8DOT3 Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Meat Rack/Trivet, 8-inch Discount?
If you cook some things in your dutch oven in a cake pan, put this in the bottom of the dutch oven first and it will help keep the bottoms of your cakes and biscuits from scorching--or put it under your roasts or chickens to keep them out of the fat that accumulates at the bottom of the pot.Because of the size, you can use it in all your dutch ovens over 8".It won't work as a trivet for a camp-style oven (with legs) because it's too small, but it's a compact, useful trivet for other hot pans and pots.
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