If you are having any trouble cooking the egg properly, here are a few tips. Use a non stick pan.You have to coat the ring with butter (as directed in the instructions).Also, put the buttered ring on a pan first and let it heat up, then crack the egg into the ring.After the egg cooks for about 3 minutes, lift the ring up to let the egg fall out.Then flip the egg over to cook the other side.If the egg sticks to the ring while trying to flip, shake the ring a tiny bit and it will fall right out.
Do these work Yes, with practice.Will you be making Egg McMuffins exactly like McDonalds No.The bottom of your egg will be overdone since it takes a while to cook through to the top, the cover I mention below helps with this a little.
I love McDonalds Egg McMuffins, but don't like having to go out for them or pay for them.I figured these would do the trick, and they do, however a bit of trial and error was involved:
1. you need to start with a very flat cooking surface, if there are any gaps between the Egg Ring and the surface, the egg will leak out
2. spray the surface and coat the egg rings with a cooking spray (i.e. Pam)
3. get the surface hot before dropping the egg in, this will help with the egg leakage.Any leakage is easily picked up with a knife and dropped back in the top once it has solidified
4. once the surface is hot I usually turn the burner down to medium and drop the egg in
5. fold the handle of the egg ring down and put a cover over it, a small cooking pot lid works well (this took me a while to figure out)
6. lift the lid after a couple minutes and check the egg. When the top looks semi cooked, run a knife around the inside of the egg ring to separate the egg from it and set the ring aside.Flip the egg over to finish cooking what was the top, this doesn't take long.
I was surprised at how long they take to make between 5 & 10 minutes which includes getting all the ingredients together.The eggs will be a little smaller than a Thomas English Muffin, but it works pretty well.Another trick I use is to use the egg ring to make the cheese slice the same size as the egg.A whole single slice of cheese was a bit too much for me.
Buy Amco Round Egg Rings, Set of 2 Now
I baby all my kitchen utensils and these rings just don't wear well. I used them in a good non-stick skillet with a silicone spatula and only washed with a cloth. The finish was shot after only about a dozen uses. I coated the rings with olive oil before each use and now the eggs have to be pried out before flipping them. The finish on the bottom edge of the rings has peeled away causing a serious sticking situation. They were never used on high heat,but the finish deteriorated pretty rapidly. I am now ordering a set of the silicone rings, we'll see how they do.
Read Best Reviews of Amco Round Egg Rings, Set of 2 Here
These rings are great with the proper cooking technique.I'm a big fan of a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit.The first use had me facing the same problems others have listed.The bottom was overdone and the top ran all over the place when I pulled off the ring.The results have subsequently been perfect with some modifications.Here are the steps that I recommend:1. Use a non-stick skillet over medium low heat.
2. Spray Pam on the ring and place it in the heated pan.
3. Put a dab of butter in the middle of the ring.
4. Once the butter in melted and begins to foam a bit, place the egg in the ring.
5. After about 30 seconds, pour a few tablespoons of water into the skillet (outside of the ring).
6. Cover immediately with a tight fitting lid or aluminum foil and cook for about four minutes.
7. Check the consistency of the egg. If you prefer over medium/hard, you may need to cover and cook for another minute or two.
8. Remove the ring and serve with a spatula.
The keys are medium low heat, water and lid.Steam is what allows the top of the egg to cook at the same rate as the bottom.This method also works with scrambled egg.
Since I haven't had the rings that long, I can't comment on the durability of the product.Although it states that they are dishwasher safe, I plan on hand washing them after each use.
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For you Egg McMuffin or sausage and egg fans this is it. Only 4 1/2 stars though, because it's not perfect. It seems to cook the bottom way before the top get's any way near cooked making it difficult to turn the egg with out it running all over your pan in the process. If the heat is to high the bottom will get brown and crusty and the top will be raw and runny, a lower heat seems to be the answer.You do have to flip the egg over to cook it evenly, But it does basically keep it's shape, which is nice. Maybe I have to get my timing and temperature right to make it perfect. I'm still working on it. The coated rings are heavy enough that the egg won't ooze out of the bottom, assuming your pan in perfectly flat on the bottom.The stainless handle remained cool, I had no need for a pot holder to lift it off the egg. Best to use non stick spray or butter and heat the ring up before putting the egg in. All and all it's a neat easy to clean gadget,that works well. Hey!! for this price you won't go wrong.UPDATE!!! Using a small egg when cooking one whole, or just filling the ring up half way if scrambled seemed to work well for me. Cooking on med-low heat worked for me also. Don't forget to use non stick spray and heat the ring up, before you put the egg in.
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