I am a first-time Stainless Steel user.I am not a prize-winning chef.I have recently switched to cooking whole-foods from scratch; and I mean recently.So I am not only behind on my cooking skills, but I've never used such high-quality equipment before (dollar-store plastic utensils, anyone?).The turning point came when I found little black bits of non-stick coating in my fresh batch of home-made refried beans.Very frustrating.I can't fault the coating because it was over seven years old.At the first sign of a scratch, non-stick cookware is supposed to be replaced.That's one reason why I was looking for a long-life, heavy duty cookware set with NO COATINGS TO SCRATCH.I read one study that said the fumes from non-stick coatings at high temperatures have killed birds in a lab.Nice.So I threw my "toxic" refried beans in the trash and let my hubby know I couldn't cook with the pot anymore.A week later he bought this set for me (at my recommendation)!I guess he likes my refried beans!
If you want to use this set proficiently and aren't used to stainless steel, you'll have to adjust--not lower--your expectations.It stands to reason that if this cookware is designed differently and made of different materials than the set you are used to, it is going to behave differently.If you want to produce the same results that you're used to, you'll have to adjust your cooking methods.It's actually not hard to do at all.Read the manufacturer's instructions for cooking and cleaning.Watch a couple videos on the web about how to preheat a pan and how to determine it is at the right temperature for pan-frying, etc.It will only take you ten minutes of watching/reading but it will save you from potential disappointment.If others use these sets with no problems, you can too; you'll have to be willing to learn and do what they did.It is exciting to learn a new skill! This is the perfect set for that; because the inner core extends all the way to the top of each pan, they heat up evenly, making it difficult to burn food; a good thing for a novice to know!
These pans look beautiful.The glass lids from my old set fit the pans perfectly, so now I have two sets of lids; I can use glass lids (from my old set) when I want to keep an eye on things, and stainless steel lids for oven cooking. I smile every time I pull these pans out of the drawer; they gleam at me every day!Who said diamonds are a girls' best friend?He/she obviously didn't cook!
I've used all the pans in the two weeks I've had them.I've pan-fried battered fish, salmon, scrambled eggs, taco meat, burgers, home-made Italian sausage, hard-boiled eggs, home-made spaghetti sauce, and dosas with no issues.I've made cream-of-garlic soup, mashed potatoes, spaghetti, and chicken noodle soup in the stock pot.I've used the little pot with the steamer insert for broccoli, green beans, and baby carrots (it's so nice to have brightly colored vegetables that are hot and still a little crisp).They all work brilliantly!
The pans have acquired some mild discoloration on the bottom (caused by use); I have a gas range so they are over an open flame.Bar Keeper's Friend is supposed to get that off so I'm not worried about it.I try to avoid commercial cleaners as much as I can: I have kept these pans otherwise spotless using a mild castile soap, baking soda for a mild discoloration caused by taco meat, and vinegar for a slight starch residue left by some rice.I haven't had any cleaning issues: I rinse the pans out with very hot water from the faucet as soon as I am finished with each and hand-wash them later with a dishrag and soap (the only thing I've had to scrub was a little residue from scrambled eggs: it came off with little effort).
As for sticking: no problems! I make sure to preheat the pan using medium-low heat.I use the preheating time to chop my veggies and prepare side-dishes, so these pans have actually "trained" me to be a better-organized cook.Once the pan is very warm on the edge, I typically reduce the heat to low.That's the great thing about these pans: I used to cook meals on a 6/7 on my gas range with the cheap non-stick pans: now I cook them on a 2/3!Talk about energy savings!The food is fully cooked but more MOIST!Everything tastes better.I told my stepdaughter not to tell my husband that: he'll just have to think I am improving dramatically!
The handles stay cool: the pans are weighty but not too heavy and are well-balanced.I love using them.I don't usually post reviews but I was looking forward to reviewing this product.I've recommended it to my family and friends.While there are higher-end stainless steel sets out there by other brands, they come with a $500-$1000 price tag.This set really is the best deal (at $163) out there with a much better quality than most cookware sets.I highly recommend this set: I don't think you'll be disappointed.It's a challenge to learn something new, but it has been a very rewarding experience.Not sure about other people, but dropping 150+ on a set of cookware isn't something I do often and I want to keep it that way.So, with much research, I chose this Cooks Standard set over AllClad, Cuisinart, and Kitchenaid...with no regrets.
First, these pots and pans (and lids) look amazing out of the box, and even after a few weeks after using them.No blemishes, no weird stains or anything.We have some Bar Keepers Friend® Cleanser & Polish, but have yet to use it on these.They look so good, in fact, I feel a little bad when I stash them in a shelf beneath our counter-top stove.
They also cook quite well...no staining, no major sticking, great heat distribution, and, as the advertising says, the handle do NOT heat up, which is great.And, as opposed to my last set, the handles are very firmly attached, so they shouldn't be falling off anytime soon.(My last set some a cheap set, not stainless.)
The biggest drawback to this set, fortunately, is the box and associated papers/instructions that come with it.The entire set was made in China (stamped on the bottom of the pots and pans, along with "18/10 STAINLESS"), but all the writing (which reads like a sales brochure, which is awkward) read just like the same China factory worker that helped made the pan also had his hand in helping writing."Engrish" at its best.It's not terrible, and none of the writing is terribly important just seems like a company would proofread stuff a couple times before shipping it.
As I mentioned, I chose these over other brands.Over AllClad because I wanted a great set of pots and pans (which both provide), but I wasn't up for paying for "heirloom" quality that I my great-grandchild could pass down to his great-grandchild.Maybe I'm selfish like that, but if these are taken care of, they could at least last a generation or two.Selected these over KitchenAid Gourmet Distinctions Stainless Steel 10-Piece Cookware Set and Cuisinart 77-17 Chef's Classic Stainless 17-Piece Cookware Set for a couple reasons:(1)They're all made in China, even spending more money wouldn't have done much for the ol' USA.(2)They're all the rough equivalents of each other, but Cooks Standard had better pricing when I purchased.(3)Reviews and further research indicate that the other brands may have lessened the quality, and have had various quality control issues.Granted, it may be user error in the latter cases, but I'm not loyal to any brand more than the brand is loyal to me.My kitchen is perfectly happy with my Cuisinart Food Processor, Kitchenaid Mixer, and Cooks Standard Cookware set.
Would highly recommend these...haven't had a single problem with them.
Buy Cooks Standard Multi-Ply Clad Stainless-Steel 10-Piece Cookware Set Now
We used an article in "Cooks Illustrated" to guide our search for new cookware. We were sold on the properties offered by a stainless-steel set with an aluminum core for proper heat dispersal. After searching at avariety of stores, we went to Amazon to see what might be available.The Cooks Standard multi-ply 10-piece set jumped out immediately. It compared quite well to the highly reputable All-Clad 5000-9 Stainless 9-Piece Cookware Setsets, but with the significantly discounted price, it was worth the purchase.We added the 11" skillet with lid and now have a complete set worthy of our continually developing cooking interests and tastes.The whole purchasing and shipping experience was excellent. The set arrived in great time and great shape. 5 stars!Read Best Reviews of Cooks Standard Multi-Ply Clad Stainless-Steel 10-Piece Cookware Set Here
I have searched and researched pots and pans forever.I knew what I wanted but could not afford the high price.This was the only set I found that was multi ply under 400.The core goes up the sides, which is usually only found in very expensive cookware.The weight is also nice.Although I did find the smaller frying pan to be a bit too heavy on the handle side.This ment putting the handle a bit over the burner to even out the weight.This cookware does live up to its claim of no hot handles.Even when I had to put it nearer to the burner for the small pan, the handle stayed pretty cool.My first test for any cookware...an egg.It cooked wonderfully!If you are not used to stainless it does take time to get used to.Medium heat!The outside does have a mirror finish, so be aware if.. you are tough on your cookware most likely it will scratch.Cleaned up great and dried to its new self.
I inspected each piece very carefully and found not one scratch anywhere.It came very well packaged and very fast.I'm a very pleased cook.
It's now been a year and I was so impressed that I came back to edit my review.After all the abuse my family has put this set through, they still look brand new!I have put them in the dishwasher, scrubbed them ect.The mirror finish still looks great.
Want Cooks Standard Multi-Ply Clad Stainless-Steel 10-Piece Cookware Set Discount?
Nice set of Stainless steel cookware. Nice finish, good heavy solid feel. Purchased to use on a GE profile induction cook top/ range. Cast Iron has no buzz at fullpower. El chepo steel pots have a slight buzz at full power but are quiet at other cooking/ simmering levels. Cooks Standard multi-ply has a soft buzz that begins at medium power and is too loud at full power. My wife said, "yea, I can hear it in the dinning room." We choose to return these. They may be induction capable, however they don't actually perform correctly with induction fields. Perhaps the layers of metal are not well enough bonded and having internal vibration? Seems like it would be a great set with regular electric or gas range.
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