Buy Calphalon Single Pot Rack Hooks, Set of 2 Now
The Calphalon Racks come with different numbers of hooks. For example, the 12 x 24-inch wall rack comes with 4 hooks. You may need a total of 12 or more single hooks if you want to hang utensils with pots and pans. Also you may want to add some antique or decorative items to your rack. So plan ahead, measure a bit, be creative, and order extra pot rack hooks along with your Calphalon rack.Read Best Reviews of Calphalon Single Pot Rack Hooks, Set of 2 Here
I recently installed a wall-mounted Calphalon pot rack, which I like a lot.Unfortunately, the two hooks I just ordered both fail to work properply with the potrack.One is simply too small to fit onto the rack; the other one fits on but is too large, and comes off when removing pans.Additionally, these hooks are either made from a different material and/or finsihed differently from the ones that shipped with pot rack originally.Calphalon would be better off charging more money for hooks that actually work than continuing to ship these things.Whatever company Calphalon has contracted to make these things is doing a terrible job.
Want Calphalon Single Pot Rack Hooks, Set of 2 Discount?
The reviewer that said they do not match is correct-they look cheap and although likely as functional as any other, I donated mine unopened to Goodwill.
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