I own the full 10 piece emerilware pro-clad set.This is a larger pan that the set does not include.The pan itself is flawless in construction.The handle is shaped right to divert heat so you do not need a hotpad holder while cooking on the stove.The full tri-ply construction seamlessly melds an aluminum core between two layers of stainless steel for optimal heat spread.it is priced very reasonable, considering this pan is made by all-clad, who sells an idenically constructed pan for far more money.You're essentially getting all-clad quality for a bargain price.
There's a lot of caveats to owning a stainless steel pan over a non-stick.There are also a lot of advantages.cooking on stainless steel is different than non-stick.You won't make eggs in stainless steel. anyone who tries A) doesn't own a nonstick pan, or B) is a stainless steel fan who can't admit the limitations of the pan.Stainless steel is designed to stick!that's why we make meats and other savory dishes in stainless steel. after its cooked, we have all those wonderful bits on the bottom!we deglaze with wine or broth, and can reduce the liquid and make a sauce or gravy out of it.You can't do that with nonstick.For making Eggs, flatbreads, corn and four tortillas, pancakes, and especially creppes, I still will use my old trusty 10" nonstick skillet.While I may be able to cook some of those items in stainless steel, I'd have to use a large amount of grease to prevent sticking. I can just pam spray my nonstick and go for less calories and less headaches.
Some people also complain stainless steel is harder to clean. high temperature paints a rainbow over your pan, and things that stick can be hard to unstick without using abrasives that will scratch the pans.It's easy if you know two great products.
1)distilled white vinegar.This will take off all rainbow effects and waterspots, and disifects as well!I always keep a spraybottle of the stuff in the kitchen for sanitizing surfaces and pans.
2)for restoring the shine to your stainless steel, and getting hard to get out stains, try barkeeper's friend: cookware version.This version can be bought from the barkeeper's friend website (just do a google, I don't think I'm permitted to link outside amazon in reviews even if amazon doesn't carry the product). The cookware version is formulated to not scratch your pans and makes them look new.leading stainless steel makers like allclad and calpheon all reccomend this product to clean.Infact, I just received a 4pack of the 12oz bottles in the mail today.
Overall, I think you can't go wrong buying any emerilware pro-clad pan.Its quality stainless steel at a great price.I needed an 8" for omelets, I love this. 8" good for 1 egg ok for 2 egg Omelet, 10" good for 2 egg ok for 3 egg Omelet. New cooking info at bottom.
I copied this from the FAQ page on All-Clad website, the best cookware in the world;
20. What are the differences between All-Clad and Emerilware?
All-Clad bonded cookware is made in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. All-Clad offers the best in professional cookware and utensils, for an ultimate cooking experience. Emerilware is the result of the successful collaboration between All-Clad and chef Emeril Lagasse, and offers high-quality colorful and authentic cookware. Emerilware is made in China.
New info, alot simpiler then what I had before.
Extra info: for Stainless Steel cooking which is very non-stick if done right. Never cook with higher temp. than 1/2 throttle, I usually dont need that much heat. Dry heat pan long enough. When you drop water on it, and it sizzles the pans not ready yet, the pores are opening and closing. When the water just rolls around evaporating slowly the pan is ready to cook on, get used to the warm up time. For eggs add a little oil, I prefer Coconut oil because its very healthy. For meat and Bacon, oil is your choice but not nessecary, it will stick at first so dont try to move it. After a few minutes it will release, if a little brown is left stuck to pan the heat was too high, but no problem scrape and fresh oil before the eggs go in.
Clean up is easy, a scrubbing sponge works nicely. Discoloration, and burnt resin usually on the bottom flame side, I use "Bar Keepers Freind, Cookware" about once a week
Buy Emeril Pro-Clad Stainless Fry Pans Now
I have been using this pan almost a year now. Many reports say the food sticks. It will if not done right. If you preheat the pan to proper temperature before putting in the food, stainless steal pans do not stick. For info on how to preheat stainless pans go here:
I use it mostly for scrambled eggs and it works great.
Amazon did not show the link I reference. But you can probably do a web search on how to preheat a stainless steel pan and find it.
Read Best Reviews of Emeril Pro-Clad Stainless Fry Pans Here
I own the 10-piece Pro-Clad set, and the 12-inch pan. It took me a couple of weeks to learn how to use these pans. At first, everything was sticking, and cleanup was a hassle. But, I didn't give up, and read up on how to properly cook with stainless steel pans. When the directions tell you to cook at a lower temperature, pay attention! that turns out to be the key properly managing the temperature. It turned out that even though I *thought* I was cooking at a lower temp, I really needed to drop the temp even more; about 20-30% lower than I was using for my older anodized aluminum non-stick cookware. Once I figured that out, I've had no problems. I cook fried eggs, scrambled eggs and even omelettes in these pans, using nothing more than some cook spray. When used correctly, these pans are very easy to clean up, too. Most of the time, a wash cloth or dish sponge is all I need. Sometimes, I need to break out the Bar Keepers Friend Cookware Cleaner. After a few months, these pans still shine. Other positives, they heat evenly, and react quickly to changes in heat (I have a gas stove).Want Emeril Pro-Clad Stainless Fry Pans Discount?
Unless you have a sponsored cooking show and get All-Clad cookware for free, there is hardly any reason to pay the higher price for one with stuff like Emeril's Pro-Clad, or Cuisinart's Multi-Clad Pro line around. For the amateur cooking enthusiast, this thing will do everything the regular All-Clad will do.This pan cooks and cleans well, giving a great sear to meat and veggies on lower heat settings. The handle is way more comfortable than the All-Clad, which is strange since All-Clad makes the Emeril Pro-Clad you'd think the more expensive, original "better" pan would have the better handle, but that's just a part of what makes this such a joy to buy, especially when I nabbed it off Amazon at half price (making it a hundred dollars less than the All-Clad version at the time).
I have non-stick, I have cast iron, and now I have tri-ply stainless steel. They all have their uses. My neighbor and friend insisted on the All-Clad, and he has an enviable collection, but short of the nominal bragging rights, my food comes out just as good in my pro-clad; whatever the real or perceived differences between the two.
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