I make crepes frequently for breakfast, dinner and desert and this pan cooks them all perfectly.I think the best complement I can give to a crepe pan is that it cooks even the first crepe perfectly, every time.The heat is even, very quickly controllable and recovery after adding the batter is almost instant.I've used various pans over the years but this is the only crepe pan on my pot-rack now, the others are all recycled to children and friends.
I've had this pan about 6 years now and its still in absolutely pristine condition and cooks as good today as the first time I tried it.The non-stick coating, while carefully maintained, is still in perfect condition, for a pan that has been in use for 6 years. I wish my All-Clad coatings held up held up as well.
Needless to say, I highly recommend this product to anyone who likes crepes but it goes beyond that... I find it superb for omelets, scrambled eggs and eggs over-easy (although Its rather large for those).I often use it to cook my entire breakfast as I did today, strawberry crepes topped with homemade yogurt and over easy eggs.My highest recomendation, you'll be happy if you know how to make crepes or want to learn and not blame the pan for your failures.
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