Clipper 215-00158 4-Inch Pizza Roller Disc Knife

Clipper 215-00158 4-Inch Pizza Roller Disc KnifeI am very impressed with the high quality of this four dollar pizza cutter. The 4" wheel is sharp stainless steel, the metal arm is carbon steel and the handle is solid plastic. It's put together very well. The sharp wheel cuts through the hardest of crusts and toppings with ease! and slices raw dough for baking like a scalpel.

What a well made little cutter for the price.Actually, I shouldn't say little.I didn't notice the 4" wheel size when I bought it.Never seen one this big.I use it mostly for cutting pastry and it works great.

Buy Clipper 215-00158 4-Inch Pizza Roller Disc Knife Now


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