The handle is connected to two 'through the top of the lid' pins that are apparently supposed to be pressure fit by applying pressure to the pins so that they expand trapping the pins in the handle.This pressure either wasn't applied at all or was applied improperly for the handle easily detached.According to the Amazon web site a replacement would take several weeks so I decided to send it back for a refund.
I have been using a square electric skillet with a vent in the dome. The glass lid is an improvement so I can check on the intensity of the sauce boiling. The corners always were a mixture of advantage (push chicken breasts or drumstick into it) or frustration (pancake batter spread into it making them hard to flip). The oval lets me cook different foods at each end and move items move easily. The skillet is noticeably heavier and heats very quickly. The only thing better on my old skillet is the cooking list alongside the temps.
Buy Deni Oval Stainless Steel Skillet, 15 by 10-Inch Now
I bought this for my daughter and son-in-law for Christmas and they love it !It has a large capacity and cleans up VERY well.It DOES NOT have a non stick coating.
Read Best Reviews of Deni Oval Stainless Steel Skillet, 15 by 10-Inch Here
was bought for x-mas gift, think I will by myself one, not as big as I would like, but nice and easy to clean!Want Deni Oval Stainless Steel Skillet, 15 by 10-Inch Discount?
I do not like this skillet.Would send it back if I had not used it but needed to use it to know it is worthless.It is very pretty and promises much by it's looks.However, the temp control will not keep itwhere it is set and everything sticks so badly, even with oil that to clean it it gets scratched.I had a wonderful, old electric skillet of my mother's but it wore out and I wanted a stainless steel one like hers, but there does not seem to be very good stainless steel skillets any more.If anyone knows a good product, let me know, maybe I will donate this somewhere and get another.
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