I'm pretty sure that other reviewers have mentioned that although the pans are lighter than cast iron, they are heavier than typical non-stick or stainless steel pans, and thus they might be hard to handle for some people (e.g., those with arthritic hands). However, I think most people should be okay.
Although I have not used a de Buyer carbon steel pan, from reading various cooking forums it seems that about the only difference between the de Buyer and Paderno pans is the price.Save yourself some money; the Paderno World Cuisine pans are fine.
PS..There's still a place in your kitchen for Cast Iron pans: skillets for cornbread, dutch ovens for bread and braising (a ceramic coated dutch oven will allow you to use acidic sauces), fryers for, well, frying!
Wonderful pan! It works very much in the same as a cast iron pan. This will remind you that it's heavy. I bought two of them, a 10 inch and 12 inch. The
12 inch was just too heavy, so I gave it away. Now, after several months of use, my 10 inch pan is well seasoned and is great favourite. You'll still need strong arms to make proper use of one of these, however,
Buy World Cuisine Heavy Duty Carbon Steel Frying Pans Now
This is a fantastic pan. Heats nicley and evenly but could use some work in the handle department; it's a bit skinny for such a hefty device.
Read Best Reviews of World Cuisine Heavy Duty Carbon Steel Frying Pans Here
First of all, you should try handling this in real life before buying this.Although it looks very similar to the DeBuyers carbon steel frying pans, the handle on the World Cuisine is much sharper along the edge and so becomes much more uncomfortable to use. T I tried holding it for a few seconds and immediately realized it was much more uncomfortable than my DeBuyers. Thankfully, I didn't season it, so I returned it back to Amazon. I have the DeBuyer's Mineral B pan of equivalent size, and I highly recommend it. It works well, and the handle is more comfortable.
If you're sure you want a carbon steel frying pan and want this particular one, let me reassure you that carbon steel is an excellent medium. It is very easy to season. And it's very easy to reason if you manage to ruin the seasoning. For example, if you ruin cast iron seasoning, it can take months of frequent use to build up a good season. However, it only takes one week of use to build up a good season on carbon steel. Plus, the smooth finish makes it very easy to slide an egg around.
For seasoning, I recommend using a high smoking point oil. Put the pan on your stove top at the highest setting and coat it with a light layer of oil. Let it sit for 5 minutes until it smokes. Let it cool. Repeat this 3 times. That's all. Simple.
I highly recommend this for cooking eggs. Fried eggs come out perfect! (as long as you don't break the yolk). It's a little difficult to flip crepes or pancakes because of the sloped sides, but it's not impossible. Get a griddle or crepe pan if it's too hard.
Overall, carbon steel is excellent. However, I recommend the DeBuyers instead because the handle is more comfortable.
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After properly seasoning my carbon steel skillet, it cooked like no other.My other coated non sticks are now history.I love that the non stick properties are from the seasoning and not some teflon coating.After seasoning it, I made hash browns, sausage, and eggs in that order and everything cooked perfectly with no sticking whatsoever. I thought I would have trouble with the eggs since I cooked the pan sausage first but everything slid around the pan with ease and the taste was great too. I'm buying a bigger one now, the 10.25 inch is nice and will see regular use, but sometimes you may need a larger cooking surface if friends and family are visiting.I'm 100% satisfied and kind of kicking myself for not getting one sooner.
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