They arrived very well packed, and had a layer of wax on them to protect them as well.It was a bit daunting to get the wax off, and took a bit of time to cure them--we did the process (peanut oil and high heat) two times, and then were very careful when cooking with them for a few times after.
The effort was well worth it!The pans are the perfect sizes for just an egg (8 inch) or eggs or an omelette or potatoes (9.5 inch) and they are completely non stick now.The handle feels substantial and very comfortable (I have small hands, my honey has big hands and we both like the handle equally).My honey says that eggs taste better in these pans than any pan he has cooked with in many years--and he is a wonderful cook with lots of experience!
We do not use soap, and we wash out the pans by hand, dry them and hang from our pot rack in the kitchen which protects them from bumping into other pots and pans.
We have used the pans almost every day since Christmas--10 to 12 times each at least.
I really like the way they look too.Very utilitarian looking, they make a statement about how serious we are about cooking and preparing tasty meals.The old adage "use the right tool for the right job" applies here--these are definitely the right tools for this "cook a lot couple"!
We are extremely happy with these pans, and expect that they will serve us well for many years to come.Simple elegance, functional, it just works.I use it for creeps, omelette, fish (not at the same time).Cleaning is simple just rinse with water or heat slightly and wipe clean with a paper towel.Looks like a very old piece in a matter of weeks, really cool patina.
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