One thing, though -the non-stick surface is *really* non stick.Make an omlette and it'll spread over just about the whole bottom of the pan in no-time-flat -which is just great, so long as you like really thin omlettes.Over-easy eggs can be a bit tricky because it's so slippery -it's not that easy to get the spatula underneath! (Part of that's because plastic and coated spatulas are thicker than metal ones.)One time I almost pushed an egg right off the griddle and onto the stovetop.But anyone who's ever had something stick to a griddle will not complain that nothing can stick.
Cleanup is strange.It just doesn't get dirty.I've only had this awhile, but I've used it twenty times, and the nonstick is not only still in perfect condition, it doesn't even show the "bright spots" that, with high-quality non-stick cookware, indicates some mechanical burnishing.I think this will last forever.I have a cheap griddle same size, and now have this Calphalon one. BIG difference. Much better heat distribution, better teflon = easier clean. Handy for bacon (may need to pour of drippings if a lot of bacon), grilled sandwiches, pancakes, eggs.
Buy Calphalon Contemporary Nonstick 11-Inch Square Griddle Now
I purchased this griddle In August of 2006 and use it every Sunday. There is aloti like about the pan, but one huge problem is it warped. I know you are not suppose to put a hot pan in cool water because that will cause this to happen, but I did not do that. I have a smooth glass top surface to my stove so a warped pan is not good. I do have to say the heat still conducts though the pan to give me even cooking thoughout.
Read Best Reviews of Calphalon Contemporary Nonstick 11-Inch Square Griddle Here
I received a set of the Calphalon Contemporary as a gift and the only thing I felt I was missing was a griddle, so I had to order this one from Amazon.This griddle pan has been wonderful.I use it for everything!Most times, I just wash it and put it right back on the stove since I know I'll be needing it again right away.I can fit 6-8 pieces of bacon on it at a time, 4 pieces of toast, or 4 rather large pancakes.It's a dream come true if you fix breakfast often.It's the best money I've spent in my kitchen and I would highly recommend it!Want Calphalon Contemporary Nonstick 11-Inch Square Griddle Discount?
I had an inexpensive square teflon griddle which performed adequately but began to deteriorate from surface wear. I elected to go with the Calphalon brand as I owned other Calphalon pieces which perform quite well. I was glad the company included specific use and care instructions as they educated me in keeping this pan from wearing in the same way as the previous one.If the directions are precisely followed, this pan should last a lifetime. It heats evenly, cooks perfectly (as long as the proper cooking techniques are used) and cleans up good as new. As suggested NEVER use cooking sprays, use medium to medium high heat, and ONLY clean with warm soapy water AFTER the pan has completely cooled. Using the butter test (heat 1 teaspoon real butter in the pan,if it burns, reduce heat and retest until slow bubbly unburnt butter is the result) works very well. Your pan will be ready to cook when the butter tests correctly.You can wipe the butter away if you do not wish to cook with butter, but the test works. All in all,this product delivers.
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