I've been using non-stick cookware for over a decade, and I've ruined a few over the years.Here's some advice in that you may want to exercise some care with non-stick cookware like this:
I don't think you'd want to do "dry" high heat cooking with non-stick cookware, even though Farberware says these are oven safe to 350*.You can boil water on high heat, that's fine, but don't put the skillet on the stove, crank up the temperature to high, and sear a steak on it.My husband did this with an inexpensive 3-year-old T-Fal non-stick skillet and the non-stick finish came off and stuck to the steak.The smokey fumes were terrible, it wasn't burnt beef, it was the smell of burning non-stick finish.And if you're lucky and don't ruin the non-stick finish with dry high heat cooking, you might warp the bottom of the pot or pan.If you have a traditional gas burner you may not notice it, but we have a smooth glass stovetop and a warped pot or pan will rock and not come into full contact with the stovetop.NOTE:I haven't ruined the non-stick finish or warped any of these Farberware pans in this set... I'm in my 30s and have ruined pans in the past, and am now more careful.And I'm not willing to ruin any of these Farberware pans as test subjects by cranking up the high heat just to see how the pan holds up to it.=)
This Farberware set says it's dishwasher safe, but if you want to maintain the non-stick finish as long as you can, wash this cookware set by hand.Dishwasher detergents are harsh and will also discolor the outside of these pans, making them not-so-pretty.
Okay, onto what I like about this set:
Love the red color, it's pretty, and I like the glass lids that I can see through to what's cooking inside.I like the sizes that come in this set.Even the little 1-quart saucepan, I often use it for hard boiling 4 or 5 eggs at a time for making egg salad (I'm the only one who eats egg salad).And even though I'm just cooking for myself and my husband, I like the larger sizes too as I like to make a big batch of stew or soup and freeze part of it to be eaten later.
The one piece in this set I don't really use?The 8" skillet.I always reach for the 10" skillet... for making scrambled eggs for the two of us, or making a grilled cheese for myself.The 8" doesn't have 8" of totally flat space because of its sloped sides, so the sliced sourdough bread I use for grilled cheese ends up a little bit on these sloped sides.I just like the extra roominess of the 10" skillet... maybe because I'm not very skilled at flipping things, and I can't be trusted not to flip a grilled cheese or scrambled eggs out of the 8" skillet on accident.
In summary, I love this set, it fits me well.I'll update if there are any longevity issues, like if my husband tries to high-heat sear a steak again.=)
()Consider this carefully please. Most items in my kitchen are commerical professionalquality except the ones that will not fit for size reasons. I examined this set carefully from another point of view. This is a excellent set to give to a couple just starting out in life without expendable income.. meaning one pan of high high quality can cost more than this entire set. Thisset will last them a good amount of time while they build their life together and improve on the quality of pans as their marriage grows. Another person I would recommend this for is someone with arthritis or elderly that needs lighter cookware for lifting reasons. This is perfect for them. I have nice things to say about it because we (my friends and I) tested this seriously looking at it from several angles. It really is easy to clean. It really does brown well with no issues.. you simply cook on a lower heat. Something I liked and respected about the way Faberware marketed this and put clearly in the instructions is that if you have a bird in the room ANY teflon product may not be for you. Sometimes its lead to death in birds in the room when things cook at high temperatures. Its great that they didn't attempt to hide that fact. A nice feature considering the price is you can put this in the oven up to 350 degrees safely.
Not under the broiler though.. so be careful. I consider this a good value for the price and if I was (god forbid lol) starting over again would purchase it because its a extremely practical value for the money and well made. Something to consider also is this red set is a sort of soft brick color... almost cranberry. Its softly beautiful and will accent any kitchen.
Buy Farberware High Performance Nonstick 10-Piece Cooware Set Now
I got this set because I love the color red, and I thought that this set would look nice in my house. I wasn't disappointed--the deep reds of this set are awesome!
We used a couple of these camping, and they held up extremely well. I think the fire of the campfire is much hotter than the 350° max that they recommend, but the handles didn't melt at all.
They did get a lot of scratches and water spots, and a lot of the non-stick stuff wore off, but we did use these pans every single day for over a year, and often we used them more than once a day. We usually washed them in the dishwasher, but I do think they would have held up a little better if we had hand washed them.
I thought these were awesome, and I rate them 5 stars. But, I asked my girlfriend, and she said that she would only rate the set 2.5 stars, because of how they didn't hold up too well.
+If you like reds, you'll love this set
+Holds up under extreme heat
+Great for an everyday set
-After a lot of use, they get a lot of random scratches
-The nonstick Teflon stuff wears off after a while
-The pots pick up water stains really easily that are hard to clean off
Read Best Reviews of Farberware High Performance Nonstick 10-Piece Cooware Set Here
()This is a nice, heavy duty set of pans for the price. These are not thin, light pans, and I love that. Although this set is on the lower end of the price scale, I feel that it's a set that will last many years. They feel solid and very well made.
The nonstick is great. It is true nonstick coating. Everything slides right off and rinses right off. You can tell the nonstick coating is somewhat thick and you don't have to be scared of scraping or it peeling off, etc.
They heat quickly and evenly. I have found that I can boil a full pot of water in the stock pot somewhat faster than with my previous set without turning the heat up any higher.
The handles are plastic and do not get hot. I must be honest and say though that the handles give the pans sort of a "cheap" look (in my opinion). I do prefer chrome or metal handles. But that is just my preference in the visuals I guess not a functional downfall of this set. The handles do not have the metal attachments inside the pan for the food to get caked in, on or around and I love that as well less to worry about cleaning.
I also love that the sauce pans are tall and deep instead of shorter and wider. The skillets are sized perfectly as well as the stock pot. I love using them.
The lids are solid and fairly hefty as well. The handles on the lids are plastic too and do not get hot.
I have the set in Red and it actually has a shimmer to the paint, almost glittery, but very faintly these aren't going to sparkle all over the place, but there is definitely a bit of shimmer to them. Anyone who likes shiny red things will love them lol.
For the price, this set it awesome. I recently spent more on a set and was totally disappointed with it. It was so thin and lightweight and so not worth the money. They ended up being returned. This set here is just perfect.
I have not yet put them in the dishwasher, so I cannot report on that experience. I may do so once they are older and I am done being so gentle with them. I have noticed in the past that putting pans in the dishwasher sometimes discolors the bottoms of the pans and I do not want that to happen with this set. I want them to stay "pretty" :I hang them along an exposed beam in my kitchen, so I want them to look good up there.
This would make an excellent housewarming gift or starter set too. It will last for yeas to come, I'm sure. It is also plenty perfect too of course for your everyday set.
If you're on a budget, but want/need a good set that will last, this is the one. It is a great set.
Want Farberware High Performance Nonstick 10-Piece Cooware Set Discount?
()I was excited to get this set. A couple of our T-Fal pans were on their way out.So this was perfect timing.Typically we buy nonstick cooking equipment to last for about 2-3 years.We intend for them to be used everyday, be dishwasher safe, and look nice.I don't expect them to last a lifetime (I have cast iron cookware for that), because I know that eventually the non-stick surface wears out.That said this Farberware set fits the bill.We have in the past purchased T-Fal sets and have always been pleased with them, this was our first Farberware set.The set is nice.I like the glass lids, allowing me to see what is cooking.The pans seem to heat evenly across the surface without any noticeable hot spots. They do seem lighter in weight than our comparable T-Fal set, but I have noticed any issue from that.Everything seems to have been put together sturdy.I could definitely see this set lasting 3 years.
My only complaint is the size of some of the pots. A 1 quart saucepan is useless in our household.basically I can boil a couple of eggs in it.I would have much rather had an extra 3-quart saucepan and given up both the 1 qt. and 2 qt. saucepans.The 8" skillet is also of little use.We usually buy a separate 13" or larger skillet.But this size set is common among manufacturers at this price.
I think this is a great everyday set that you will enjoy and it won't break the bank.
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