Buy KitchenAid Gourmet Non-Stick Aluminum Skillet, Red, 12.5" Now
This was exactly what I was looking for. Eazy to find on line. Price was great. Item shipped very quickly.Read Best Reviews of KitchenAid Gourmet Non-Stick Aluminum Skillet, Red, 12.5" Here
This particular KitchenAid skillet was purchased as a replacement for my KitchenAid Gourmet Reserve 10-1/2" non-stick skillet.Although the 10-1/2" skillet has not come to its life expectancy as yet, the KitchenAid Gourmet Aluminum Non-Stick 12-1/2" skillet is serving as a supplementary utensil in the kitchen.While the 12-1/2" skillet is advantageous because of the wide pan and its capacity, the disadvantage is that no glass cover that would fit the skillet snugly was available.This poses a grease-spatter hazard if cooking is done on over an open flame.The grease-spatter hazard may be reduced by employing a large wire mesh spatter shield over the skillet.(I believe amazon.com also sells these, or you may find one inexpensively at your local discount retailers).
Please note that the KitchenAid Gourmet Aluminum Non-Stick skillets now offered on amazon.com are not the Kitchen Gourmet Reserve skillets that were once offered.The KitchenAid Gourmet skillets have been redesigned to include rubber handle grip insulation, whereas the Gourmet Reserve only were solid metal handles.It may be possible to search on other internet websites for the Gourmet Reserve skillets, but the redesigned skillets are just as well-constructed, and are conservatively priced for your kitchen needs.
The KitchenAid Gourmet Aluminum Non-Stick 12-1/2" Skillet received 4 stars only because of the unavailability of the associated glass cover. Had a glass cover been available, this item would have received a rating of an outstanding 5 stars.
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