Buy Swiss Diamond Cast-Aluminum Nonstick 11-Inch Fry Pan with Lid Now
I've been looking for a good non-stick pan for years and have never been satisfied with the durability or performance of the products I've purchased. I became interested in getting away from teflon when I read that the non-stick process of this product does not "kill the canary".I've been reading about the dangers of conventional teflon and was looking for an alternative. This pan has ended my search.It is exactly as advertised, heats evenly, does not stick, cleans up without effort and is a pleasure to use.Everything I've cooked in this pan has been perfect, even things that usually stick like teriyaki just get a nice glaze without sticking.Blackend fish just slides out and leaves no residue and even a pan-fried crust browns well and uses less oil.I plan to expand my collection with more of this product.
Read Best Reviews of Swiss Diamond Cast-Aluminum Nonstick 11-Inch Fry Pan with Lid Here
So here we have a pan marketed as being made with diamonds that render the surface "indestructible." It's hyped up with cool-sounding technology jargon like "nano-composite." The manufacturer blatantly claims the product contains no Teflon whatsoever, and says the pan is safe for your health.But what's the reality here? In reality:
* The nano-composite non-stick cooking surface is made primarily with PTFE, the chemical known as Teflon.
* The pan is marketed as a product that contains NO Teflon and is safe for your health.
* The non-stick surface scratches easily with a common fork.
* Scratching the surface with a household fork causes microscopic bits of the composite material (PTFE and diamonds) to be released into the food being cooked, whereby they are swallowed by consumers.
* The marketing of Swiss Diamond cookware heavily emphasizes "diamonds" while seemingly going out of its way to avoid mentioning Teflon or PTFE chemicals. It appears to give consumers the impression that they are "cooking on diamonds."
* Consumers are being widely misled into believing that this product is an alternative to Teflon when, in reality, it's made of the same thing as Teflon!
* Swiss Diamond pans are being marketed by some of the best-known retailers and catalog companies in the world, including Amazon.com, NextTen catalog and hundreds of others.
Want Swiss Diamond Cast-Aluminum Nonstick 11-Inch Fry Pan with Lid Discount?
The pan arrived on time and undamaged in the factory box.The nonstick surface is slicker than the hardened titanium one used on Scanpan, and cleans easily.The rotating vent on the glass lid is a nice feature.My wife was skeptical at first, but I've caught her and my daughter using this pan frequentlyin fact, it's become their favorite pan!Unlike a pure teflon finish, this pan will brown the food nicely.As far as durability goes, well, it's too early to tell, but the manufacturer touts the longevity of their product.I like it.
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