Kitchen Selective 6'' Mini Skillet

Kitchen Selective 6'' Mini SkilletThe mini skillet seemed to be a great kitchen tool since I live alone.Just right for two eggs or one burger patty.Now it has failed.The turn on and temp control switch does not work.Do I take it apart to try a repair or return it??

I am on a Medifast diet (which works great by the way) and need a small skillet for Medifast pancakes and lean fish and hamburger meals when I travel and stay in motels.This skillet was inexpensive and the exact right size.It works great for this application.

Buy Kitchen Selective 6'' Mini Skillet Now

The cord is very short.The handle is awkward to both attach and detach.But the worst feature is that you can't read the heat control dial.I had to paint a little white mark on the "off" point.It was affordable, I'll say that.But I don't think I'd replace with the same one when this one wears out.

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Don't even think of buying this if you plan on using it more than 5 times. Non stick surface is not a non stick surface. The handle will break at the latch. I got just 6 uses out of mine before I requested a refund which has not been responded to in 2 weeks since I put in the request,

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I realize you pay for what you get and this is extremely cheap but I had a difficult time rating it with even one star even taking into consideration what I paid for it.Everything sticks to it. I have had it less than three weeks and the temp. gage has broken off. If it advertised a throw away pan usable only a few times, I would feel better about having bought it.Don't bother buying this pan it isn't worth the cheap price.

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