Smart Planet MCM-1 Mini Cupcake Maker

Smart Planet MCM-1 Mini Cupcake MakerReceived this as a Valentine's Day gift and fired it up for the first time tonight.LOVED IT.

I made the "Just Plain Good" cupcake recipe from the book Small Batch Baking by Debby Nakos.I was tempted to try a cake mix, but I figured it would make dozens of mini-temptations to haunt me.This recipe was for 4 regular sized cupcakes it made 13 mini-cupcakes (in two batches) in the device.I used paper cups and skipped the oil/cooking spray step.They turned out perfectly!The first batch were ready after one cooking cycle (under 10 min), but the 2nd batch needed two cycles presumably because I didn't wait for the device to completely re-heat before starting the 2nd batch.

One thing I'd point out that the manual is unclear about is how to tell when the cooking cycle is over.The "ready" light turms off at the end of the cycle.It doesn't say that and I wasn't sure, so I opened it prematurely but no biggie, everything was fine.

I wish there was a supporting website where users could exchange recipes, but I'm so far delighted with this it's like a George Foreman grill for cake addicts!

I purchased this product for a project in my Marketing 3100 course. I was a little concerned with it at first, but after using it I am very pleased. The product makes seven moist mini cupcakes at a time. Because it only makes a few at a time, it does take a long time to bake a whole box of cupcake mix. If you are using this product with children DO NOT let them open the lid when the baking time is done, as a large amount of very hot steam comes out and it will cause burns. Overall a very cute product.

Buy Smart Planet MCM-1 Mini Cupcake Maker Now

I love this mini maker.I've made cupcakes, muffins, cornbread, even balled up canned bisquits and threw them in there.I LOVE IT!!!!!

Read Best Reviews of Smart Planet MCM-1 Mini Cupcake Maker Here

We have been having SO much fun with this gadget!So far we've only used it for brownies, but it's been great.I can make one or two "batches" for our family of three and save the remainder of the batter for later in the day or even the next day.Hot brownies are a BIG hit around here!!!

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I agree with the posters that say this is NOT for children. It's adorable and little so people may think it is but this machine gets very hot. I made vanilla cupcakes then halfway through I added cocoa powder and peanut butter to the batter and then I made a brownie recipe and everything turned out GREAT. These cupcakes are so little they can be eaten in 2 bites. Or onelolI am very pleased with this purchase, thank you.


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