Bottom line, you buy one of these mainly to make pancakes.The Anolon Double Burner Griddle is better than a traditional frying pan for pancakes because you can fit more on it at one time, which means less time in the kitchen and more time eating those tasty little crumpets while they're still hot. The kids also get less whiny when you can serve them all at once instead of doling out a few pancakes here and there or worse, serving them all at once when they've gone cold.
Turns out, it's also good at French toast, eggs, bacon, quesadillas and grilled cheese sandwiches. Added bonus: you only have to add butter or oil if you like the flavor, because after owning and using this thing for two months, I have to admit, it truly deserves to be called nonstick (unlike so many "nonsticks" that have disappointed me after the first few uses).
Some might point out that at 10 inches wide, this griddle is too narrow to fit all their breakfast items at once. Well get two, they're a slim profile and lightweight and at about fifteen bucks less than the Circulon, you can probably afford it.
My 22-year-old recipe for Frickin' Fantastic Pancakes:
1 cup Buttermilk, 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 2 Tablespoons oil, 1 Tablespoon sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, ½ tsp. baking soda, ½ tsp. salt.
Heat your griddle to med-low. Mix ingredients in a large bowl with a balloon whisk until just a few lumps remain (no overworking allowed). Pour on the griddle (you know what size you like) and watch for the bubbles in the center of your pancakes to signal it's time to turn. Flip, cook a few more minutes, serve, and notice how much better this is than that mix stuff.
-Andrea, aka Merribelle
Buy Anolon Advanced Hard Anodized Nonstick 18-by-10-Inch Double Burner Griddle Now
This gridle is great looking and I leave it out on my 5 burner gas stove.
I use it all the time for everything I can think of. I can keep one side hotter than the other for cooking different types of foods.It responds quickly to heat increase or decrease. This is definitely a good nonstick finish. I haven't found anything that sticks to it yet. The handles make it easy to pick up and it has a pour spount that I haven't had to use yet. The handles don't stick up too high and interfere with cooking or washing. They are one reason I chose this skillet. It is very easy to clean also. I wouldn't advise using this skillet on a glass top. I had one of those and hated it for cooking everything. This is perfect for gas. The price is exceptional for the quality provided!!!
Read Best Reviews of Anolon Advanced Hard Anodized Nonstick 18-by-10-Inch Double Burner Griddle Here
I have owned two of these pans.The first wore out after several years of daily use.Note that the package says "non-stick" and not "non-stick forever".Eventually, all non-stick pans wear out.Out of the box, this pan is magic.Nothing will stick and it cleans up beautifully.The pan is also nice and thick.I have never had a problem with warping, however heating this pan really hot and then rinsing it in the sink could cause warping.To maximize the life of the pan, be sure to NEVER use aerosol oils such as PAM on the pan.The propellant in the can burns at a lower temperature than the oil, and ends up burning in the pores of the pan surface.It will not take long to destroy the non-stick finish.Also, allow the pan to cool COMPLETELY before washing it to prevent any warpage.No gritty cleaners either.The pan should last for many years and then you can buy another one.Want Anolon Advanced Hard Anodized Nonstick 18-by-10-Inch Double Burner Griddle Discount?
Works perfectly. We have a Wolf ceramic cooktop and so a decent griddle must be perfectly flat. This is. We've had it for months. It wipes clean in hot water with a once-over with a soapy dishcloth. Nothing sticks. Of course, we take care of it. We don't overheat it and we don't immerse directly into water when it is hot. Our stove has a bridge element between the two round elements and we get perfectly even heat across the griddle within degrees when tested with an infrared thermometer. The handles have silicone or something to insulate them so you can position or move the griddle without grabbing for a hot pad. There is a pour spout at one end for draining bacon or sausage grease. Cook breakfast for a crowd in nothing flat. You can manage 6 hearty pancakes at once or 6 fried eggs can be done to a perfect over-easy without overlapping or crowding. Suddenly I look like a seasoned short-order cook for a house full of company. Solid value. Easily worth more in my opinion.
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