1) Your larger pot/pan covers must be stored in the slots with your smallest pots/pans and vice versa. If all your pots/pans/covers are large, then this organizer doesn't fully work as the covers will have to be stored elsewhere. As shown in the picture, when you grab a large pan, you must first remove the small pan cover so that you can cleanly extract the item w/o bumping the pan cover. If only there was a way to store the cover with the pot/pan that it goes with. Also, the covers are not securely held in place, so you must open the organizer drawer carefully or covers may slip off.
2) The installation instructions are not very good. The only picture I had to go on was the one provided by Amazon. The product wasn't even shown in the product brochure or installation instructions that came with the item. The instructions are not specific as to how the item is to be placed in the cabinet. Centering the item works, but this isn't the best place as larger/heavier pans (which go into the back) may be harder to get in. I found it best to offset the organizer a couple inches.
On a positive note, I'm no longer stacking pots/pans and there is less bending over since all the pot/pan handles are oriented upwards.
I purchased this organizer with the hope that it would solve all the issues we were having with the growing number of pots in the cabinet.In that regard it is almost perfect.What i found is that this is well suited for normal sized skillets and the smaller pots.
If you have a larger pan (think of those 3 inch deep skillets that are oversized) or a common dutch oven sizedpot, it may not work for you.The depth of the pot will take up most of the available space so as to make it virtually unable to hold any of your other pans unless you nest them inside of each other.In which case, you need to figure out how to protect the non-stick interiors.For the larger skillet, i found that the handle could barely fit in the cabinet once set in the organizer and the little handle on the front of the pan, extends out and will get hung up on the slide if you aren't careful.
With the exception of those two types of pots/pans, this is a great organizer.It holds all of the other standard pots and the lids just like the picture shows.
If you are considering purchasing this item, my recommendation is to look at your current cabinet and determine what kinds of pots/pans you have.For those with larger pots, you might be better off considering drawers that slide out and just installing two of those to reclaim that space lost by the half shelf.
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