THe new one is terrible way less material feels flimsy and it buckled the first time I used it. it now rocks around on a convex base.
Don't buy this if you are expecting the quality provided by Revere in the past.
This is a very poor imitation of what used to be the valued and respected Revere ware of years ago. Interior is pitting after only several weeks of use and the metal is so thin that the bottom stamp shows on the inside bottom. Revere Copper Clad Bottom 1-Quart Saucepan I have used our old complete set of Revereware pots and pans since I was married many years ago and they are ALL still good. I've never had to replace any until recently when the cost of a new handle for a small sauce pan was almost as much as a new pan. Even the handle on the new pan has no screws to remove or replace it.
Buy Revere Copper Clad Bottom 1-Quart Saucepan Now
I have used this bright, shiny pan about a handful times on low to medium heat.About 1/2 of the copper plating is gone.I might as well have purchased a completely aluminimum pan.I happen to have the original Revere copper clad cookware from 1979.Though the copper has dulled (I'm sure that if I used a copper cleaner, it will brighten), and they have been used on the highest of heat settings, the full copper coating still remains.So, unfortunately, there is a major difference in quality between this little pan made in Indonesia vs. my hardy, still very functional set manufactured in 1979 at the plant in Clinton, Illinois.I'm not faulting the manufacturing process in Indonesia.I am faulting the company because they set the specifications for manufacturing.This company producing the copper clad Revere items obviously could care less about producing a quality product and maintaining the Revere brand's reputation.Though this little pan works OK, I don't know why they bother even putting the copper clad stuff on it.Disappointing.Read Best Reviews of Revere Copper Clad Bottom 1-Quart Saucepan Here
I ordered this saucepan just to have an extra one since we use this size a lot.I was concerned about the reviews about the quality of the newer pans but so far then new pan has held up fine.
As a comparison, I weighed my 30 year old made in USA pan and the new pan.The new pan weighs 304 grams and the old pan weighs 290 grams.Of course I cannot say where the extra weight comes from, but they seem to have the same dimensions for the pan as well as the handle.
At least I can be sure that the new pan does not have significantly less material.
As for buckling or rocking, I would be surprised to see this happen to this saucepan.A saucepan is normally filled with a liquid that should keep the temperature along the bottom of the pan even and below the boiling point.(As opposed to a frying pan.)
Want Revere Copper Clad Bottom 1-Quart Saucepan Discount?
I ordered two 1 quart saucepans, they are identical in every respect to an original that I have had since the 1960's except for the bakelite handle.I compared the weight and thickness of the metal of the 1960's version and the new one and they are same right down to the thickness of the lip.
A fantastic deal for the price.
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