Mini Griddle

Mini GriddleMy husband is the cook in the family.We mostly use the liddle griddle for breakfast. Its great, just the right size for the two of us.Easy to clean. We have bought several of these for gifts.

This is a GREAT product, especially made for 2 people.I cook bacon, pancakes, eggs and anything else that you would cook on a griddle.This little mini-griddle is perfect for cooking for 2 people.This is the 3rd one of these that I've owned.Needless to say it gets a lot of use around our house.

Buy Mini Griddle Now

This griddle was a Christmas gift for my mother.Her and my father travel the country in their RV.Therefore this griddle being small was perfect.My Mom has already used it and said it works great and fits easily into her cabinets.The seller was very efficient at sending the item out on time as well with no damage at all.I recommend them any time.

Read Best Reviews of Mini Griddle Here

Exactly the size my mother wanted. It was a gift for her and she is very happy with the size and performance. It is perfect for her. Arrived early even during Christmas rush.

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My wife bought it from local Marc's store, and we used tonight, it's awesome, heating is fast! smokeless, makes perfect Tiebanshao(chinese food), we love it, and would recommend it to ally my friends.

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