Buy Mirro Get A Grip Aluminum Nonstick 10-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Cookware Now
I was looking for a 10 inch fry pan that would hold
up to my usage. This pan is just great! Food really
does not stick. Very easy clean-up. I would recommend
and also I am thinking about purchasing this manufacturer's
products again. Hope this help you make your decision.
Read Best Reviews of Mirro Get A Grip Aluminum Nonstick 10-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Cookware Here
I bought a Mirro 10 inch frypan and within a month the pan warped. Its not rusting inside the pan and hard gunk has coated the outside of the pan. I've been using Teflon coated frypans for 30 yrs and never had one made this poorly. I've also never had a fry pan that both warped and rusted; run don't walk from this flypan or any frypan by Mirro
Want Mirro Get A Grip Aluminum Nonstick 10-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Cookware Discount?
It is not a very big pan. If you cook a big dish, you'd better choose a bigger one. But the quality is ok.
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