Buy KitchenAid Aluminum Nonstick 8-Inch Skillet, Red Now
This frying pan is loved by my wife...light...secure handle...cleans up easily. You will love it and it can be ordered in different sizes also. We have all three...you won't be sorry about this purchase.Read Best Reviews of KitchenAid Aluminum Nonstick 8-Inch Skillet, Red Here
This pan has been going strong for well over a year of daily use. I cook oil-free, no problems. My other new 8" ceramic coated pan does not work without oil, and eggs stick so sits in the cabinet unused so guess need to give away or return one day.This KitchenAid pan is used to daily to make my egg white omelette and my daughter's pancakes. We never use above 6 on the electric coil stove, 10 being the highest, since no reason ever to go that high. We use with AMCO nylon cooking utensils with stainless handles, which we like better than OXO because handles thinner, take up less storage space in our drawers and utensil bucket.
No one has gotten sick here, like one reviewer mentioned, but always good to throw out first batches of anything cooked in new pan. I always do that. Soap and water not enough. Some people boil water in their new pans after cleaning as well before first use.
Think we bought this in a set from Target, not Amazon, though. Anything we can not find locally, we head straight to Amazon.
Want KitchenAid Aluminum Nonstick 8-Inch Skillet, Red Discount?
Just received the KitchenAid Aluminum Nonstick 8-Inch Skillet in gorgeous Red, washed it, put in a copious quantity of high grade olive oil, put it on a small burner at medium (4) temperature and when the oil got hot, I slipped in two large eggs and in a very short time I had the most beautiful pair of the best looking and tasting eggs I have ever eaten.The whites were done all the way through and the yolks cooked just right.The pan did most of it, helped out by the burner and olive oil.The heat was so even that I didn't have to touch the eggs except to slide them out of the pan onto a plate.I have been using the bargain basement pans that warp out of shape after a few usages, but never again.KitchenAid will get all my business from this day on.It is of heavy, high quality aluminum and has a great heft to it...TRY IT, YOU'LL BUY IT!
AMAZON, you've really delivered the goods again....you are my one stop shopping center.
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