My first use with the pan was to pan fry a couple fish fillets.The fillets were seasoned with olive oil.I sat the gas stove burner on medium and put the new pan on to the burner without adding any oil onto the pan.After fifteen seconds or so and noticing the pan was becoming hot, I added a spoon of olive oil to the pan and I move the pan while still over the flame to have the one spoon oil spread out over the pan.I then transferred the fillets to the hot pan.The fillets were red snapper, not too large for the pan. After 3 minutes, I turned the fillets over and the fillets were easy to turn over on the pan, just like a nonstick pan would allow you turn over. And another three minutes, I transfer the fillets to a serving plate.The fillets looks professionally cooked as fillets were brown just perfect and the fillets were not broken into pieces. They were beautifully browned and in one piece.For cleaning of the pan, I poured about an inch of water in the pan while the pan is still very hot. I let the water remain in the pan until I finished my meal.I then just used a plastic scrubber to clean the pan. After cleaning and rinsing the pan clean, I wipe down the pan to dry the pan. To store the pan for my next cooking session, I put the pan on the stove burner on high heat for about ten seconds to ensure the pan is dry to prevent rust on the pan.
Since the pan is only about 2 lbs vs a heavy pan weighting over 4 lbs, do not over heat the pan by using a high flame to it.It is not necessary to use a high flame to cook your foods, a medium flame or heat setting is just fine.When I do pancakes on the pan, I use a low heat on the pan as I like my pancake to golden brown, not burned brown.The light weight pans are a good value just go easy with the heat. And you save on gas or electric using these pans.
By the way, in my cooking experiences with these pans due to lower heat setting that I use, the handle of the pan do not get so hot that I can not hold the pan handle.
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