A little nylon scraper will save your scouring pads from shredding and turning black.It can scrape cast iron skillets without transferring any soap to the seasoned surface.Have you ever tried to get burnt cheese off of steel or aluminum?If you take care of it, the scraper will outlast 20 kitchen sponges before it gets any nicks or scratches.
Why don't grocery stores stock these next to the Dawn or Palmolive bottles?It's because these scrapers are not disposable.You buy a 2-pack once, you're converted for life, but you never have to replace them.You're now buying fewer sponges.The store's gross margin is negative.
I got a set of these a few years ago and use them regularly.They are very sturdy and the thick rounded end allows you to use a lot of pressure without hurting your hands.I have used them with teflon coated cookie sheets and skillets, and the shape allows me to get into corners without any problem.The scrapers have lasted me a few years now without getting any knicks in them and without scratching any of my cookware.I was surprised to see Amazon's suggestion to use one for scraping ice off the car, I do not think I would recommend them for that use.Their size is very handy for pots and pans, but VERY narrow for using on a car windshield, and you don't have the same type of leverage as an ice scraper made for that purpose.
Buy Nylon Pan Scrapers (Set of 2) Now
Pan scrapers are an indespensible tool for a sanitary, well run kitchen.They are the most effecient way to clean grime off of plates and cooking utensiles.When you are done, you just rinse them off and pop them into the dishwasher to sanitize them! I really hate those scrubbing sponges that get caked with food I cannot ever completely rinse out, and they end up grimy and stinky. These scrapers are solid, nonabsorbant material that do the job without creating a bigger job in the process. That is why I also love the SOS Tuffy and other non absorbant cleaning tools. They never get logged down with the crud I just cleaned from another surface. I know people whose whole kitchen stinks because of their nasty cleaning sponges that are a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Scrapers never do that I run a completely adequate kitchen and don't own even a single sponge! I have a dishcloth that I boil in the mocrowave each night (sponges don't take well to boiling) and along with my Tuffies and pan scrapers I have everything I need. No smelly kitchen!
These particular pan scrapers are great, but I give them only 4 stars instead of 5 stars because there is another brand with a more effective shape for cleaning.The Lodge pan scrapers get the highest rating from me because they have a better contour for getting into the shape of any pan to get that last bit of grime.That said, these are still very good and I keep a generous supply of both kinds using different ones for different jobs.I also like the SOS Tuffy scouring pad for the same reasons.All are non absorbant and dishwasher safe.
I highly reccommend pan scrapers for fast, easy and thorough clean up. Once you have used them, you will never go back.We use cast iron for everything...bacon, veggies, meat, eggs, etc and since you aren't supposed to use soap on cast iron, we bought these scrapers. We love them. We can scrape off the excess fat and sticky parts after cooking bacon or scrape egg residue after breakfast. We use these scrapers plus hot running water and the cast iron comes out clean with the seasoning still in tact. Highly recommend. And FYI, they are about the size of your palm.I would rather have a scraper that is a touch thinner on the edge so that I could really dig into the cooked-on food on my pan, but this one works well enough.
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