I was hesitant to order this skillet as it was expensive but I was so desperate for a good heavy non stick skillet that I took a chance.And I'm so glad I did.It cooks very evenly and washing up is a dream.I simply wipe it with a paper towel and swish it in warm soapy dishwater and wallah!It's clean.I have a solid service cook top and it's heavenly to have a skillet that sits solid on it. I would order every piece that BergHOFF manufactures if I could afford it.The younger generation may not like washing it by hand but that's very little inconvenience for the beauty of the pan.
Buy BergHOFF Virgo 10-Inch Covered Deep Skillet, 3.1-Quart Now
A truly versatile pan! You can even cook pasta in it and drain water through provided strainer holes in the lid. The handle is removable you just twist the end of it and slide up or down, so you could bake something in it the oven. Ceramic non stick surface works perfectly, omelets just slide right out. This pan is made out of thick aluminum, so it's very light weight and makes a serious competition to cast iron pans that I used before.Read Best Reviews of BergHOFF Virgo 10-Inch Covered Deep Skillet, 3.1-Quart Here
I really like the skillet. Definitely nonstick. I used it for the second time today. Wasn't paying attention and food got burnt but it didn't stick at all. Slid off pan super easy. No damage to cooking surface. Propping up cover on handle was a great idea. However, as I was washing it, I noticed that the handle that props up cover was broken. Disappointed in an otherwise great product. Attempted to contact berghoff today for replacement. Let's see if they honor their 5 year warranty.Want BergHOFF Virgo 10-Inch Covered Deep Skillet, 3.1-Quart Discount?
Poor product Poor customer service Would not buy again for half the priceWarning: First time reviewer here, but I use the reviews of products exclusively on whether or not to purchase products on amazon.com. I do not want any other users to go through the same poor customer service I did only to gain nothing.
I have purchased a set of Berghoff Scala Ceramic coated frying pans. I used the main 12" pan for about a month. As time progresses the pan started to stick. I contacted the customer service dept. that told me to deep clean the pan with baking soda and water. After it was dry add oil to the pan while slowly reheating it.I did this several times to cure my pan as suggested by the customer service rep. He assured me that it would take some time for this to work. This took place over 4 months after purchasing the set.I then got preoccupied when moving into my renovated kitchen. After dealing with my renovation I found the pan again. It was now 12 months since purchase.I had a new representative that made it sound like the guy I was speaking to previously did a poor job and was let go, which he was very rude. She stated they needed to find my files and reopen the review of my pan.She advised me to send the pan in so the warranty dept. could look at the pan. I had to pay shipping both ways but I figured they would at least get my pan back into good condition.Berghoff never called or emailed that they had my pan even though I sent a letter with the pan. After waiting a month I decided to email and see if they received the pan. The last customer service rep I had was now gone and I had a new one again. She had to find the pan again and pull up the files. After a reply from the newest customer service rep she stated that my pan was not covered under warranty.WHAT?
She explained that due to the color of the bottom of the pan I had overheated the pan and that the warranty was now void. I the dirt she cleaned on the bottom of my pan was on all our pans we had. We have a glass top range that we cool all our meals on. It does get dirty at times. I simply took a nylon scrubber to clean one of the other pans I had just to see how hard it was.I emailed back stating that her suggestion was not the case and that I wanted to speak to a supervisor.Three weeks later still no response.I called and was directed to the same person I was dealing with my emails.She said she brought the pan to her supervisor and stated that she agreed while refusing to allow me to speak to her supervisor.
The facts: Not once did I ever cook with the pan over ½ heat on my range top. I primarily cooked eggs, sausage, warmed up veggies, and cooked some fish. Mind you that I only used the pan 1 month.I hand washed it after every use. At first everything would slide out of the pan. The pan got to the point where I had to scrape it each time after use and then let it sit in soap water. THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN AFTER 1 MONTH OF USE!
Due to the numerous customer service representatives, poor service, and average pans I would never recommend anyone buy from this company. They did offer me a deal though, 50% off their retail of a new pan.That was almost the same price I could buy it off of amazon.com.
Buyer Beware Stay Away Learn from my mistakes.
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