I'm a connoisseur of cookware by no means, but expected
an 8" skillet to be bigger than this.
I got out my machinist measuring scale and come up with
the following measurements; largest diameter at top of rim= 7.55",
flat area at inside of bottom= approximately 5.5".
This is about big enough for a couple eggs or maybe a sandwich.
By no means what I expected.
On the bright side, we will use it in it's capacity,
and it is VERY high quality, in my opinion.
We purchased based on a prior purchase of another pan of the same brand and line.
Buy T-fal Signature Hard Anodized Fry Pans Now
After less than six months this pan has developed little blisters and the coating is peeling off!When I contacted T-Fal they said to send the pan to them for evaluation.It would take 4-6 weeks for them to determine if the pan is defective.If they determine that it is not, then they will send it back to me at MY expense (in addition to me sending it to them at MY expense!).I was then told that it was probably caused by me using an aerosol on the pan which would void the warranty.Sounds like they've already determined that it's my fault!!The warranty that came with my pan does not mention anything at all about aerosol and I haven't used it anyway!!Nor have I ever used a metal utensil or placed this in the dishwasher.This is a shoddy product with a useless warranty!I would never buy another T-Fal product!!Read Best Reviews of T-fal Signature Hard Anodized Fry Pans Here
I bought this pan for my husband based on everyone's positive feedback.Sadly after three uses, the coating on the bottom had bubbled up and I will have to return the pan.I hope there is another more durable non-stick pan that I can order as a replacement.The pan is advertised as being anodized.You would assume that would mean inside the pan.It only means outside.It is not anodized non-stick on the cooking surface.Very disappointed.
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