I often marinade chicken tenders in Emeril Lagasse's marinade (he has several different marinades that you can find in your local supermarket) a day in advance and heat up this pan and toss on the chicken.I usually make a veggie or two and some rice, it is a very quick and easy dinner and is also very healthy!You can also use this pan for everything from burgers to a tuna steak.
This pan is not dishwasher safe due to the nonstick surface, but don't worry it is a breeze to clean.I have the George Foreman grill that has been sitting in the cabinet collecting dust since I bought this pan.I don't like the George Foreman grill because you can't really wash the grill surface very well.The grill surface should be removable so you can really clean it.This pan is very, very well made and is backed by a lifetime warranty.Sometimes this pan is sold as a special..., if you see it grab it.It is a steal at that price.Once you try All Clad you will be hooked too! Highly recommended! A+!I've been using grill pans for years and have bought many brands.This is the best one, hands-down.I gave away all five of the others I owned after the first time I used this pan.I love All Clad cookware in general and this is my first non-stick.The results are so superior to any other grill pan I recommend it to everyone.If you want healthy and perfectly prepared grilled food, whether it's fish, meat or vegetables, without a drop of added fat, this pan is for you.Buy it.
Buy All-Clad LTD 12-Inch Round Nonstick Grille Pan Now
I'm a big fan of All-Clad and have a lot of All-Clad LTD and MasterChef pots and pans.I feel All-Clad has a great design methodology and makes great quality gear.Also, their non-stick coating is the best in the business.This grill pan, however, isn't actually clad the secret of its low price.It's made from a single piece of anodized aluminum like a Calphalon pan as a brief examination of the edge reveals.The beefy handle is the most All-Clad thing about it.The nonstick coating isn't the usual All-Clad type either although it certainly is top quality.As a grill pan, this one is very good that's not the problem.
Grill pans make grill marks on your food but are no substitute for actually grilling.There's no smoke flavor or high heat caramelization.The only thing the grill pan gives you is the sear marks.To that end, the nonstick surface fights you.Metal gives much better sear marks than nonstick coatings.In order to get a nonstick pan to give good sear you must really crank the heat up.This makes a lot of smoke which make a good lid a necessity.Sadly, this pan doesn't include a lid.I found that the Calphalon 12" "Everyday" pan's lid is a perfect fit by coincidence so I use it every time.
I have the luxury of a grill outside my kitchen door.I'm the kind of hardy soul who has no problem stepping out in the snow in shirtsleeves to flip the steaks.I find all grill pans to be a very poor substitute to actually grilling.Maybe if I lived in the city and couldn't grill as easily I'd be more enamored of this pan.As it is, I mainly use it under duress (such as during bad rain storms when I reluctantly must grill indoors).
Read Best Reviews of All-Clad LTD 12-Inch Round Nonstick Grille Pan Here
I recently tossed a Calphalon grill pan in the trash after I could not clean it after use. Looking for another grill pan to replace it, I found this gem. I don't know how Amamzon can offer this high quality pan for this price, but grab it. Wonderful heat distribution, very large cook surface and NOTHING sticks!!Want All-Clad LTD 12-Inch Round Nonstick Grille Pan Discount?
I could not believe that I found this pan at this price.I was further astounded when I received it and started cooking on it.It is absolutely fabulous.NY Strip streak comes out truly delicious when you simply sprinkle some salt and cracked pepper on it and then throw it on the grill pan.Also works great for bacon.Also works great for burgers.Also works great for...anything you could think of.For cleaning, I recommend immediately filling it with water after taking the food out, enough to cover all the bottom, and then let it sit til after dinner and you start doing the dishes.If you do this, then I recommend an OXO brush (ASIN B0000CFQOB) with nylon bristles.Gently brush between the grooves to loosen the remaining material and then use a sponge.I recommend the nylon brush because it is hard to get a sponge to get every bit of remaining material along the grooves.But overall this is incredibly easy to clean and even easier to cook on.I still cannot believe I paid only fifty for this item.
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