Versatility.Cooktop, oven, outdoor grill.Grill side and griddle side.Can't ask for more.
Size.It's big enough without being too big.Four or five pancakes fit on there with ease.The grill side is large enough to do enough veggies for my family of four.It's also big enough to completely cover my largest electric burner and rest on the stove-top, giving me a completely flat surface (my burner is a tad tilted despite my best attempts at leveling it).
Weight.Not too heavy but solid enough to easily retain the heat.
Design.The grill indentations are sufficiently spaced to do their job and still make nice "marks" on the food.The outer rim on both sides catch a significant amount of liquid/fat.
No handle.Means it can easily go in the oven, on the outdoor grill...and in the dishwasher.Most of the other "griddles" I researched had handles that, while comfortable, meant it wasn't ovenor grill-safe.And the handles (like on my pots) eat up dishwasher space.
Fair warning here: the manufacturer suggests handwashing (to prolong the "nonstick" life).I'm a busy mom and, while I'll handwash sometimes, it's gotta go in the dishwasher.I just suck it up and buy a new one when the surface is worn.
USA-Made.Whenever possible, I try to buy American.This product is a perfect example that you don't have to sacrifice price or quality to buy "local."
No handle.Yes, I listed it as "pro" as well.But to be fair, it does/can make for some tricky handling.You'll need oven mitts or something of that ilk to protect your hands.It's too hot to handle otherwise.
Shape.Wish I it was square.I see they have a rectangle one...but a 12" square would be perfect for me.
All-in-all, a great purchase.When it comes time to replace it (which I hope won't be for several years), I hope it (or something like it) will still be on the market.On second thought, maybe I'll get its replacement now to ensure I'll have it on-hand for a childhood's worth of Sunday morning pancakes.
Once upon a time, I had a new stove installed that came with a cast iron griddle that laid over the burner.I thought it would be a nice thing to have around for cooking large batches of pancakes for guests, but wouldn't get much use otherwise.Little did I know, I would use that griddle daily.
I moved away, and mistakenly left that griddle for the new residents.My life was without direction with the absence of a sturdy griddle.I purchased this heavy aluminum griddle from NordicWare, and I have a new sense of purpose.This is great for making big breakfasts for a family, as well as anything else that can be grilled or fried.It does burgers, hot dogs, and chicken really well for the days I want something quick and tasty off the grill but don't want to fire it up.Whether grilling or frying, excess oil drips to the side and away, allowing for healthier cooking.I love having a griddle again!
Buy Nordic Ware Flat Top Reversible Griddle Now
I was excited to find this nonstick grill pan after spending so much time cleaning my Calphalon grill pan after each cooking. The cooking area is vastly larger than most grill pans so I could fit four steaks, tuna steaks, etc., at one time. After cooking with the pan a second time, the coating is completely popping off the side exposed to my glasstop stove. I know this is due to the medium high cooking temperature I used. However, if you can't cook meats with a higher temp, this defeats the purpose of a grill pan.Also, I am having a difficult time cleaning the deep gorges between the ridges. I am returning this pan and will try again with another brand. Very disappointing.
Read Best Reviews of Nordic Ware Flat Top Reversible Griddle Here
YOWZAgreat product!I have a glass top stove and ordered this to be able to grill in-doors because not all products will work on glass tops. Heated it on medium high with a liberal swabbing of oil on the grill side about 5 to 8 minutes then grilled my meat.Unbelievable results; I can tell youtasted like just cooked on an outside grill! Please be reasonable with your temperature use as I didyou will love your results! YUM!This grill griddle has a nonstick coating.I couldn't cook with it because the fumes burned my eyes.I certainly don't want to eat anything that has been prepared on it.Get a cast iron one without a coating.
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