All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Nonstick Fry Pan

All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Nonstick Fry Panthat said, the All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Nonstick Fry Pan has clearly failed. the non-stick surface began to deteriorate long before any other non-stick pan we've owned has in the past.

we received this pan as part of 10-peice set, and really, it's the only complaint we have about the set in general. the rest of the All-Clad pieces have performed beautifully and withstood all of the rigors of being cookware in a house with two accomplished and passionate chefs.

about a year ago we gave up on this pan and purchased the 'Restaurant Fry Pan Set' from Nordic Ware (8" and 10") and they have performed much better than the All-Clad version of the same and held there non-stick surface now four times as long -at a fraction of the cost! unfortunately this set is not currently available on amazon.

Note: I should point out, in response to the "weekend" chef who gave this pan five stars, that both my wife and I are well versed in the care of non-stick pans (plastic and wooden utensils only, let them cool before you wash them, etc.) and the surface still deteriorated. I'm sticking to my guns, (no pun intended) these two other non-stick fry pans have now lasted over four years without a hitch. the All-Clad lasted only six-months with the same love and care.

I must agree with the negative reviewers that this pan's nonstick coating began coming off almost immediately after I began using it.I'm not talking about scratches, which often are a result of using the wrong kind of implements for cooking and cleaning.My pan began pock all over, even up the sides where I rarely touch them.I hung on to this pan for 3 years, simply because I could not bear to part with it for the expense.But eventually I had to treat it like my other All-Clad pans (which I LOVE) and use full amounts of oil to cook.It was no longer worth using.

Although the reviewer who loves this pan was "certain" the rest of us who have not liked this pan were not caring for the pan properly, that "certainty" is based on nothing but speculation.I cared for my pan precisely according to the directions provided by All-Clad.Of course, I could have asked All-Clad to replace it early on, since it was clear the nonstick coating was coming off on its own accord.But that would not have changed the fact that the coating on my pan was coming off.

Buy All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Nonstick Fry Pan Now

When I went to acquire a non-stick pan, I was dubious of all of them.Teflon is a great substance (thanks Du Pont!) but it scratches way too easy for anything in the kitchen.I had burned through several non-stick pans that were well cheapo no name pans.

I picked up quite a few All-Clads at once 6 or 7 years ago.It was time to trash all the hand-me-down pans from the parents and ex-roommates over the years.

I have no idea what this "professional-grade" bonded material is but it has been nothing but perfect for us as a family.While I actively avoid scraping it with metal utensils, it does get stacked with other metal pans inside it in a drawer and in the sink.It still does not have a single scratch or blemish and we use it more than any other fry pan.The only pan that sees more use is a small Silit pan I bought in Germany 9 years ago.We actually plan on buying an 8" and probably a 12" soon.

You can cook just about anything without burning it within reason.Naturally oil will still smoke, but when this is on low flame I can walk out of the kitchen if I need to.So the core of the pan distributing the heat well and the non-stick surface seems to drastically reduce burning.Making an omelette for two in this pan is crazy easy.You can just stir up your eggs and goodies, let it set to solid on low, and simply use a plastic/silicon spatula to flip it over in half.Presto, you are done.In the regular stainless All-Clad fry pans we have, we would have to constantly scrap the omelette off the bottom to prevent burning and that just does not work well with an omelette heh.

From hamburger helper to saffron rosotto we have nothing to say but good things about this pan.I am actually quite surprised that it is a material bonded to steel and not anodized aluminum on the inside since it seems so impervious.

Back when I got ours, it was definitely made in Pennsylvania.Perhaps some other later batches were offshored and not quite up to snuff?Other than that I could only guess that folks with problem pans are perhaps cooking things in it that we are not.Since I have no idea what this coating is, I could not even begin to guess what might affect it.Other than not cooking meat that often, we cook just about everything in the pan.

Read Best Reviews of All-Clad Stainless 14-Inch Nonstick Fry Pan Here

I purchased the complete All-Clad set over 5 years ago and the 14-inch fry pan will need to be tossed. The teflon is fraying and coming off at the top of the pan, but not in the center. The smaller saute pan is fine as well as the other pieces, so I'm keeping those. I don't know if it's some sort of defect in the larger fry pan, but I'm disappointed. What would I do differently? Probably buy each All-Clad piece separately and get another larger fry pan from another brand.

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I purchased this fry pan in June of this year and it is almost to a state where it is ready to be thrown away as of December 1st.I would have expected the nonstick surface to be of superior quality and durability from All-Clad, but the sad truth is that I have had cheap grocery store pans that have maintained the coating far longer, and a small fraction of the cost.After just a few weeks the surface became scratched on this pan and the coating started to come off in the food ick!I love the uncoated All-Clad, but I will be looking elsewhere for nonstick in the future.

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