I suppose you'll want to know why I'm buying another one, so to make a long story short, a friend was using the pan while we were camping and he was using a serrated knife to cut vegetables while he was cooking.In the pan.:-(Well they don't make a non stick pan that can put up with that abuse and my non-stick coating is now trashed, so here I am looking for a replacement 10 inch pan.The old one was not a ceramigard finish, but used the older wearguard finish.
As for my experiences in using these pans, they take quite a lot of abuse.I've used these on high heat for stir fry's and never had the coating break down.The only thing you do have to worry about is smoking your frying oil which will cause the oil to polymerize onto the coating and it's then very hard to remove.Also, the weight of these pans is superior to everything else I've found which helps to ensure even cooking.My old 10 inch pan weighs about 32 ounces with the rubber handle removed and most of that weight is in the thick bottom and sides of the pan.Finally, the nice gently sloped sides make flipping food very easy.I can even do eggs over easy without picking up a spatula in the morning (note: this takes a bit of practice).
To me, this is a no-brainer.Just buy it and don't think too much about it.It's exceedingly rare to find something of this quality in today's market.Bought this pan to replace the one I bought over 20 years ago.That's right 20 years.My old pan finally wore out, mostly because other pans were being stored on top of it.The coating is the best out there and 20 years of regular use proves it.
Buy Vollrath Z4010 Wear-Ever CeramiGuard II Interior Fry Pan with Cool Handle, 10-Inch Now
This pan is great.Heats up extremely quick, non-stick coating is thick.This is a commercial level pan... if you take care of it you will be rewarded with years of non-stick cooking.Cleanup is a breeze, quick wipe with water and a paper towel.No complaints so far.Had this pan for about a month now.Good non-stick surface.Quality construction; sits flat on the burner.I was afraid the blue handle might come loose, but it has stayed tight so far.The only complaint is with the shipping.This pan comes from outside restuarant supply co. and they simply stuffed the pan between the layers of a flattened box, applied tape and mailed it.A good pan like this deserves better treatment.Want Vollrath Z4010 Wear-Ever CeramiGuard II Interior Fry Pan with Cool Handle, 10-Inch Discount?
This immediately became my favorite skillet.I use it for any stove top dish.The non-stick surface is excellent and you don't have to baby it.
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