I cook a lot of chicken, either in the skillet, or in the oven.With this grill, you don't have to worry about turning the chicken, watching it, etc.All I really do it watch the clock.The first night I had the grill, I made salmon fillets, and they turned out great.
While I love the grill so far, there are a few things to watch out for.The first time I cooked chicken, I overcooked it..you kind of need to play around with the times in the booklet enclosed with the grill.I also found that I needed to push the grease tray farther back (closer to the grill) than I initially thought.Also, it does get quite smoky, so it would probably be most ideal if your kitchen had some kind of window.
With cleaning, you really do have to do it while the grill is still warm, or it makes it a lot harder to clean off.
I've barely used my oven since getting this grill..in the summer it will be great not having to heat up the whole house.I bought the George Foreman grill as a joke for my husband (it DOES say "Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine" on it), but we used it for three weeks solid after it arrived. The reason? It's EASY, and the food turns out really tasty!
This particular model is big enough to cook several portions of meat at a time -it cooks from the top and bottom all at once to cut your cooking time down to mere minutes! The grill is tilted and comes with a trough so that all excess fat is drained away from your food. Pretty nifty! It's also fairly easy to clean up -you just wipe down the grill and throw the trough in the dishwasher.
We've used the grill for chicken breasts, Boca Burgers, regular burgers, pork chops, steaks, and even bacon strips (it's GREAT for avoiding a bunch of messy bacon grease). It cooks even frozen meat in a relatively short period of time, and it cooks it thoroughly. It's easy to throw something on the grill, sprinkle some seasonings on it (BAM!), and let it cook for a few minutes while you fix the rest of the meal. It is hard to overcook things, and it's fun to have grill-lines on your food.
It took me awhile to believe the hype about the George Foreman Grills, but they are easy to use and deliver good results. In fact, this might be a good way to introduce your older children (12 and up) to rudimentary cooking. The George Foreman grill would be great for people who don't have a lot of time to cook & clean, who aren't yet confident cooks or don't have a lot of cooking experience, or for anyone who wants an easy way to make a tasty meal!
Buy George Foreman Family Size Plus Grills Now
First off, let me state that I never buy anything that I see on television or any mass-marketed, "must own" product.With my wife being 8 months pregnant, it suddenly became a priority for me to pitch in and take care of some meals.We purchased the George Foreman "Family Size" grill, thinking that I could grill some things up without trudging outside to fire up the gas grill, cooking it, and scraping the grill, etc.Well, we have now had it one week and thus far I have already prepared:chicken breasts, salmon, cod, hotdogs, hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, potatoes, and even ostrich (the most nutritional red meat there is)!Each of these things were among the best I've ever tasted.The quality of the grilling rivals that of any I've ever achieved on an outdoor grill.Each meal took under 10 minutes (including pre-heating) to cook, and 5 minutes to clean up.I cannot say enough about this product.
I recommend buying at least the family size grill.It's perfect for easily getting multiple items on at the same time.For example, I grilled three burgers and some sliced, red skinned potatoes at the same time.This size seems perfect for 2 or 3 people, despite claims that it can hold enough for 5 or 6 people.
Read Best Reviews of George Foreman Family Size Plus Grills Here
You know how you go through an infatuation period with a new kitchen appliance?Then it gets put in a storeroom and falls out of your life like an old boyfriend or girlfriend.It happened to our pastamaker, our ice-cream maker, but I don't think it's going to happen to our George Foreman grill.I really think it's going to occupy prime kitchen counterspace forever.
The main reason is that it is extremely versatile.It grills meats easily; everything comes out firm on the outside and juicy on the inside.But it is also a dandy sandwich-maker it makes the world's best grilled cheese; the cheese and bread undergo a kind of spiritual transformation and become as one.
Do yourself a favor buy a really good loaf of bread, spread it with a little olive oil, and make the world's best toast.
But although it does an excellent job with fish fillets, you use it for this purpose at your peril.Even though I scrubbed it daily it took five or more days before my toast did not taste like Charlie the Tuna.So no fish would be my advice (or, get the newer Foreman grill with the removable grill plates, which presumably could be de-salmonized in the dishwasher).
Want George Foreman Family Size Plus Grills Discount?
I am a big fan of the Foreman grill machine. The problem is, I use it.
I am on my third machine now in less than two years, and the surface is hopeless again.
No matter how much they tell you to use the plasticware, etc, if you use salt or other seasonings in the cooker, you will lose the surface like so many other coated devices.
If there was an all-stainless cooker for triple the money even quadruple I'd buy it.
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