It's heavy and good quality.I use it to cook salmon and steak and they came out juicy and tasted just the way I want.Great value.
Buy The Camp Chef SK-10 Cast Iron Skillet, 10 Inch Diameter Now
Took a few days to get it seasoned.Like the length of the handle and the angle, makes it easier to pick up especially since it's heavy. Works great, have used it for bacon, cooks it perfect.Cornbread, awesome.Would definitely recommend.Read Best Reviews of The Camp Chef SK-10 Cast Iron Skillet, 10 Inch Diameter Here
It heats evenly, never sticks and is a joy to clean.
Without hesitation I can say that this is one of the best that I have.
It also looks cool hanging from the rack!
Get it now!
Want The Camp Chef SK-10 Cast Iron Skillet, 10 Inch Diameter Discount?
I've been getting worried about all the bad press non-stick pans are getting, so I decided to try a cast iron pan. I've used various stainless steel and cast aluminum pans.This pan heats quickly and evenly the handle gets hot so I keep oven mits handy. I love that I can use metal utensils. Cleanup is easy and quick. No worries about warping.
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