If you want to get this pan clean after cooking something on the messier side, you can expect to spend longer washing it than the amount of time you spent cooking whatever it took to cake the thing, heheh.
I'm definitely not a pro at cooking, so if you think you may have the perfect way to coat the pan for non-stick, perhaps it's not such a bad purchase. It's a very unique article for the kitchen and the design is visually appealing too. That's about all that I can say in the pros department.
As for the cons.. well, despite the small size, it was still too big to use a small burner. This wasn't really a con, because I knew the pan was long though small. The real issue is that even after using an adequate or even exceeding amount of cooking oil to prepare the pan, the result was always the same-my eggs and other ingredients remained caked on in a thin layer that is not removable during cooking.
My ingredients were eggs, bonito stock, salt, sugar, mirin and sake in the amounts appropriate for making a small enough omelette to fit in the pan. You can expect to cook about 3 large eggs comfortably but 4 will fit, though that's pushing it.
My once well-practiced Japanese-style omelettes (dashi maki tamago) became scrambled eggs.. They tasted great, but I did not buy this pan for scrambled eggs.. LOL?
I tried this pan 6 different times before deciding to toss it.
Because I live in the United States, a decently priced tamagoyaki pan is hard to come by, so I always have to borrow my friend's. Trying to get my own.. I feel that this was a very wasted investment. I hope to find another soon.
Choose wisely. You may just be able to salvage this one. I didn't bother to try it for other foods, honestly, but if you're going to cook something non-specific you probably don't need this unique pan to do so.
Good luck.
Read Best Reviews of Tamago Pan #HM13 Here
I saw some reviews that commented on the quality of this pan. I may not know a lot about high quality pans, but I really do like this one. The surface heats up quickly and very evenly. Cooking Tamagoyaki on this pan was very simple because of it.Want Tamago Pan #HM13 Discount?
Well, this pan is NOT as nonstick as I desired.It's smallish, and I had eggs that stuck when I scrambled some in it the first time.I groaned.
That said, now I love it.I bought it for omelets but I'm USING it for hashbrowns and burgers and chopped sirloin steaks.It fits 2 burger patties in perfectly, which is something I need occasionally.It makes hashbrowns LIKE A DREAM Nice little square patties that are on par with Waffle House's and cute burgers that look and are sized like Wendy's.When you cook anything with more oil, like the hashbrowns or burgers, clean up is easy.
So, I'm giving it a 4, because I am so happy with it and I'm finding it quite useful, even if I still feel like I need a good Japanese omelet pan.
If you've bought one and aren't happy with it, try it with hashbrowns and you might feel better.
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