This pan, and its companions, are restaurant-grade sautee pans with a very sturdy aluminum handle and slick, non-stick cooking surface.The bottoms are flat, heavy aluminum for even heat distribution.I added some rubber insulating grips for the two pans I purchased (8" and 11") but they are not really necessary in a commercial kitchen where everyone uses some type of favored insulating device from potholders to gloves, to dish rags.
Arguably, these are probably the best frying pans for the money.Don't waste your money on "brand names" and "endorsed-by" cooking stuff.All you get for your double, triple (or more) price is a thinner wallet.Restaurants do NOT use such overpriced stuff because they don't work any better.I've seen similar pans with brand-names sell for more than $150 and they cook no better than this pan.Stick with the simple things in cooking.The 8" model (the one of this review) cooks a marvelous omelet!The larger, 11" pan, which I also purchased, is perfect for larger dishes.Have you watched a TV cooking show where the chef "tosses" the contents of the pan to mix and flip them?Because of the taper at the rim of these pans, YOU can do just that with little practice.Impress your friends and family with your new show-stopping skill of showman-cooking!Many pans for sale here, and virtually ALL of the expensive pans, do NOT have this taper.This makes it more difficult to flip your dishes.
I guarantee that you'll love these pans.If memory serves me, I paid only $6 for this pan.
And yes, I am a former chef.But I am not Anthony Bourdain I don't consume prodigious amounts of alcohol.And I am not nearly so skilled as Tony.But I continue to cook for my family and friends and use this type of pan almost exclusively.They last several years easily.And at $6, you can replace them when needed.My last 8" pan lasted 7 years.
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