10-Inch Natural Finish Aluminum Frying Pan, Fry Pan, Commercial Grade - NSF Certified

10-Inch Natural Finish Aluminum Frying Pan, Fry Pan, Commercial Grade - NSF CertifiedThis review is in response to the one written by DC discussing the dangers of using aluminum.While there is some truth to what he says, aluminum can be used; just use a little common sense.Aluminum should not be used on a daily basis.It should also not be used with acid foods, such as tomatoes, vinegar, citrus, etc.Aluminum is a great choice for many reasons; it is a good conductor, it doesn't stick like stainless steel, and if it has a metal handle, as this product does, the dish can be "finished off" in the oven, a technique that restaurants employ all the time.In addition, if DC feels so strongly about this, I sure hope he doesn't eat out much.Almost all restaurants routinely use aluminum frying pans, stock pots and other cookware as well.Relax, it's okay, using your common sense!

A $17 pan like this sells for $170 with the Julia Child imprimatur. Quality is standard, but what a bargain!

It could be improved only by better salesmanship. Show us more photo angles on the web page, and tell us that it is great for omelettes.

Buy 10-Inch Natural Finish Aluminum Frying Pan, Fry Pan, Commercial Grade - NSF Certified Now

I work as a baker in a fully functioning kitchen, so I am well versed with the use of NSF frying pans.Yes, they do their job just fine.I personally like teflon pans much better, especially for electric ranges like I have at my apartment, but this $17 aluminum pan works fine once you get used to cooking on a non-teflon pan.

My main reason for not getting a nice frying pan is due to roommates that will no doubt destroy a $75 frying pan in a few months.

If you need a cheap frying pan, pick one of these up!Also pick up some STEEL SCRUBBERS and PAN SPRAY!!!

On a side not, who cares if a bit of aluminum is ingested, there are so many sources of toxins in our modern day living, you are only going to shorten your life by stressing over it.

Happy cooking yall!

Read Best Reviews of 10-Inch Natural Finish Aluminum Frying Pan, Fry Pan, Commercial Grade - NSF Certified Here

It does what it is supposed to do just like most other such pans. No reason not to like it.

Want 10-Inch Natural Finish Aluminum Frying Pan, Fry Pan, Commercial Grade - NSF Certified Discount?

RE: Straight to the point! Look up Heavy Metal Poisoning, including Aluminum Toxicity

This goes for all Aluminum cookware all across the board on NOT just Amazon but all over the internet. I just decided to look this up on my favorite etailer just to see if it were being sold on Amazon after reading the dangerous side effects of Heavy Metal poisoning

People on ships died from Heavy Metal poisoning in the past from lead, mercury, etc Need I say anymore. These short term to long term side effects is no joke!

Concerned Citizen Response:

I'Ll tell you what buddy, everybody does have a choice on whether of not aluminum toxicity will affect them or not:

Common Sensical Review from a hobby chef and MBA:

With questionable long term effects of Aspertame/Nutrasweet [and I am a health freak, MMA guy, Diet Coke® fiend] one can only weigh in on the manufacturer's , Monsanto's, intentions of valuing profit versus social responsibility within this multi-billion dollar beverage industry...

[blah, blah, ... blah, etc, etc]

Don't get me wrong here, the human body should assimilate to every mineral and element as known throughout time but why overload on any possible toxicity with minimal or even full awareness on the impact on the human body?

[blah, blah, ... blah, etc, etc]

Great wormanship and top notch build quality I rate that ***** 5 stars

Questionable choice on materials = I rate that * 1 star [rhetorical question is there u zero rating?]

"Paranoid" Review:

Even though I'm capitalist-minded and want all companies to succeed, I personally would stay the hell away from any cookware made from Aluminum, especially when you're cooking for children or the elderly.

Aluminum is for cars like Cadillac or Audi, not for human consumption that can leach onto every food that you cook!

Hopefully the manufacturers will come up with viable alternative to aluminum cookware after an enough movement makes it aware to the public.

2012: debatable argument

2032: "We have found conclusive evidence that all the people with renal failure and Alzheimers to name just a few, was sourced by the simple fact of people cooking on questionable

[blah, etc but we are never going to admit that to the public because it is a billion dollar industry that's unintentionally feeding the cost of diseases in this country. Luckily, we have different independent research from both sides negating both points of view.

Questions drive the content of the debate:

Why is it after an independent research company finds fault with an item, there's usually a quick "independent" research response to it???

Not always think of immediate recalls like cars and recent salmonella poisoning, but sometimes like long term detrimental findings

Hell, the darn thing is probably made from China Yes public, please please exercise your choice and make the call ;) ]


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