Presto Indoor Grill

Presto Indoor Grilli just received my presto grill and i'm already cooking on it. this is my second attempt at a indoor grill and this is by far the best over the first one. this is a great grill! i've already grilled chicken, steak, and pork chops. it came out fantastic! the first grill had cold spots and did not seem to get extremely hot. this grill gets HOT! the heat is evenly distributed across the entire surface thanks to the embedded element and the cooking area is very large. i grilled 4 large sirloin steaks at one time. the rubber pads under the legs also keeps the grill from sliding around. i like the fact that you have the temps displayed on the thermostat all the way up to 400 degrees. dip tray is nice and the cleanup is quick and simple. the nonstick surface is superb on everything thing i have prepared so far. and amazons price is far less over some of the other indoor grills i've looked at. i am going to post some pics soon of this fantastic grill in action. overall i'm very impressed with this presto indoor grill's performance and price. THANKS AMAZON!

I bought this to try something different from the typical George Foreman type grill.I was so sick and tired of trying to clean the Foreman grill I already own with the non-removable plates!Hate it!Although there are several brands of tabletop grills that do have removable plates, most of them are overpriced.I absolutely will not spend $100 on an indoor tabletop grill.

I came across this one on Amazon and, after much searching and reading, decided I'd go ahead and give it a try. This is a single sided grill with no lid that comes down on top of it so you have to cook one side of your food at a time.Different from what I've been used to.

So far, so good.I haven't had time to use it a whole lot yet but what I've cooked on it so far has been good.Chicken and steaks.I love using these tabletop grills versus the oven or broiler or outdoor BBQ grill so I'm sure I'll use it for everything.Burgers, fish, chops, chicken, steak, vegetables, etc.

It is super simple to use.Plug in the cord to the grill (like an electric skillet) and plug the cord into an outlet and there you go.It heats up quickly to 400 degrees (or less) and is ready to go in no time.It is lightweight and super, super easy to clean!Thank goodness because that was my main reason for buying a new tabletop grill in the first place.It is totally dishwasher safe but I just rinse mine off in the sink.It has a non stick coating which is fine so far.I did wonder if heating up only to 400 degrees was going to be hot enough to cook steaks but it is just fine.I made them last night and they were great.Because you have to cook each side of the meat, it does take longer than the Foreman type grills but I don't mind that at all.Gives me time to be making the side dishes. The sides are made of plastic.Not sure if they'll hold up well over time or not.

For the price (around $35) I am pleased with this purchase so far.As long as it holds up for a reasonable period of time that is!We'll see as time goes by.If I have any problems with it, I'll come back and amend this rating.

Buy Presto Indoor Grill Now

I use this for making burgers frying bacon and grilling steaks. comes out perfect and the fat drains away, easy to clean and store. very easy to use and makes perfect grill marks on steaks and burgers.

Read Best Reviews of Presto Indoor Grill Here

What could be more simple than selecting a temperature, heating up the grill and start cooking. It is a small grill that can hold 3 new yorkPresto Indoor Grill steaks.

Grilling inside is easy for summer or winter, plus it is great to hear the steaks sizzle.

Can go in dishwasher, but is very easy to wash.

Want Presto Indoor Grill Discount?

Just got in yesterday. Looks nice, going to cook up some steaks tonight. I like how light weight, slim it is. the hooked on drip pan is a great feature.

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